Jan 10, 2014 17:41
I just realized my 2 lines or more idea is really just like posting on Twitter or Facebook. Especially since unless it's something particularly personal so I'm not bothering with messing with the privacy setting when I post. I guess I chose LJ for this because 1. It's an old friend and familiar and easy to archive and look back over previous dates and 2. I guess I've still got a bit of my shyness about me ... 'cause I'm on the fence about having strangers read what I write and I guess I figure it's highly unlikely that they would find me here. 3. I hate Twitter - it feels like a million people talking at once. 4. I feel like Facebook is the social media equivalent of high school but with a lot of different grades bunched in together. I'm mostly on there to stay in touch with my family and a few old friends and it is an easy way to stay in touch. But I should really weed down my friends list on there because there are a lot of people on it that I really don't care that much about or really don't share politcal views with but that post their views A LOT and others that I don't know particularly well.. but I don't do it because I've had a few people weed me out of their friends lists and to be honest it really hurt my feelings. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by secretly de-friending them. I hate admitting that I don't remember someone who seems to remember me ya know? And 5. Let's face it ... I'm a wordy girl. If I have time.. I go way over two or three lines. So yes I think LJ is the place to do this little experiment. Thank you my maybe two people who read this sort of blog/journal for letting me chatter to you. I really do appreciate it. Mostly my brain appreciates.