For my own memory

Nov 18, 2013 18:36

One thing I love about 5 is Kara's vocabulary and her mixing up words and trying to listen to lyrics but misunderstanding them. I admit that we are already listening to Christmas carols -  it helps me get the Christmas shopping done and I have to get mine down early since my family does Christmas together on December 6th.  So the other day we were listening to Carol of the Bells (one of my favorites) and Kara says

"Why do only the wild people sing?"

What? I ask.

"Doesn't everyone sing Christmas carols? Why did the lady say 'Wild people sing'"

it took me a minute but then I realized she was referring to the part in the song that went

"Gaily they ring
While people sing
Songs of good cheer.."

Oh it made me giggle.

In other news.. we had her 5 year well check the other day, where they took the annual blood and urine tests. This is the first year they've ever called back to have a second test done. Doc says the different counts are probably from her fighting off a slight virus (cold) at the time and from not having had a lot of water to drink yet that morning (it was a 9 am appt so that we could still get to school before being counted absent). So they just want to recheck it in a week or two to make sure. It still scares me a bit though. I think my biggest fear anymore - and probably all mothers' - is something bad happening to my child. So say a prayer if you think of it. If nothing else for my sanity.

Oh along the sanity lines.. Jay and I both took the Meyers Briggs test again over the weekend. It had been years since we last took it. Probably not long after we had gotten married. I use to always test as an INFJ but alwyas on the border of I and E at 2% I or something like that. This time I tested as an ESFJ. Interesting huh? I thought I had done something wrong at first, because the INFJ profile use to always fit me to a tea, but this time when I read it, it didn't. This time ESFJ truly did fit me better. A fascinating turn of events for me. I'm still right on the border of E and I though. I'm only a 1% E.  Jay tested as an ISTJ (100% I in fact) border line S and T (2% on both). Interesting stuff. I've always been fascinated by Jung personality type testing.
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