Jun 11, 2009 22:58
Title: John/Kate Drabble
Author: ZanneS
Genre: het (non-graphic)/reference to Jump the Shark
Rating: G
Characters: John/Kate
Summary: Sometimes, he called her Mary.
Author's Note: Unbeta'd, and a het drabble. One hundred words exactly! Can you believe it? Kripke owns all.
Sometimes, he called her Mary.
She would pull away from him, her eyes hurt, or hard, or - more often than not these days - almost painfully blank, as if she knew it didn’t matter what she allowed him to see.
“Kate,” she’d state firmly. “My name is Kate.”
John would just close his eyes and nod, pulling her back against his chest, and she would nestle against him, her heartbeat reassuring in its steady throbbing hum.
He stoically accepted her censure, and she accepted his reassurances with the same brittle equanimity she always did.
But things never really changed.