Blogspot Z: The Last Place to Go for News Yes, I was at ComicCon. Alas, I was not crowned Queen of the Geeks as I hoped, but let’s keep our fingers crossed for next year! I spent my time with Anya, SHHS Lancer, and pippinlove (just let me say, if pippinlove ever tells you she slept with Jared Padalecki, she ain’t lyin’), all of whom were lifesavers because I would’ve curled up into a ball in a dark corner and keened in misery from the massive crowds if they hadn’t been there. I’ll let you know all about our Boys, but first, a slight business note…
Official Space Hooker Tally: 4
Their benefits must suck. They’ve gone down in numbers.
The Boys mourn the missing space hookers.
So, to sum up our morning...
Onto our Boys!
Blue Steel as it exists in nature.
The Boys obviously had a conference call with Kripke at 3:00 in the morning to decide what to wear because they looked like the Three Amigos, all dressed in black. Or perhaps it was a Johnny Cash tribute? But Kripke dressed up for the Geek Crowd and looked like he might be ready for a nice Sunday brunch, unlike the clean-out-the-garage elegance of the LA Con - no offense intended; I love him like pancakes. He’s a cutie, like Andy. They can share my pocket and be called George1 and George2 . The Boys were twins in their duplicate black shirts with grey and red T-shirts beneath. I hear that Sera Gamble and Ben Edlund were there, but with the awesomeness of Kripke and the double barreled assault of the J2’s, I can’t say much else sunk in.
Kripke and Ackles have a stand-off over the rights to climb Mt. Padalecki.
There wasn’t a space hooker in sight at the panel, though Ackles did make an unwitting veiled reference to Brokeback Mountain which got Kripke giggling and spread through the room like an airborne STD. You know, since it related to The Gay Incestuous Sex. Required costume? Assless chaps…per Kripke’s orders. Ackles was intriguingly enthused by the idea.
Ackles assless chaps check. To his surprise, he forgot to wear pants at all.
Ackles and Padalecki must have switched personalities over croissants and yogurt at breakfast when they were gossiping with Kripke over the phone and deciding how to wear their hair and what shoes went with a cotton/nylon mix, because Ackles was very outgoing and Padalecki practically needed a kick to his assless chapped derriere. He wasn’t quite the sparkling center of the Supernatural panel universe he usually is. I’ll forgive him because he looked so very pretty. Everyone light a candle to the barbering gods because someone is doing something right with that Boy’s hair. And on a shallow note, I think Padalecki's dimples have gotten deeper. We're talkin' crevasses here, people. Explorers were spelunking in their depths. I think I saw God peeking out of his left cheek.
Ackles tries to make dimples as deep as Padalecki's.
Both Boys were nibbling on candied goodies and I think the sugar rush must’ve gotten to Ackles. He was very giggly. A giggly Ackles is like a gift from Heaven, so I’m not complaining.
The Ackles:Padalecki Amusement Ratio - A ComicCon Retrospective
No joke...bottom right? His expression after his excitement regarding the assless chaps. Now you see why I'm intrigued. That Boy's a freak-on-a-leash. Nothin' but love for him.
Bela? HA!
Oh, and in a neat little bit of karmic tom-foolery, Kripke laid the entire blame for Bela at the feet of the writers and Sera Gamble looked like she wanted to give him a swirlie in the bathroom after the panel. She could take him. I think she gave him a wedgie after they left. I know her grimace nearly broke my camera.
Ghost-Ghostfacers, takin' up space-ers (I like them and all, but...Boys!)
The Ghostfacers dropped by in an oh-so-subtle marketing test to see how they’d be received. Kripke is talking about a web series for them and if the reaction at ComicCon is anything to go by, we’ll be seeing them on our computer screens sometime within the next year. Ackles got off his fabulous, yet not assless chapped derriere, and kicked them off the stage, with a full on bar brawl approach complete with attempted Spinger chair toss. Pardon me for being a little crude, but I think a few lifejackets had to be passed out due to the overly excited women in the audience because that got a reaction on the same level as if The Boys had come out modeling nothing but the assless chaps.
Ackles kicks ass and chews bubble gum...and then sticks it in the Ghostfacers'
hair when he beats them up after the panel.
Okay, I’ll give you a few seconds to wipe that image out of your head and recover your dignity for reading it (mine’s long gone) and head onto the even more important stuff….
May Be Spoiler-iffic!
Sam’s gonna have hot, nasty monkey sex with a female. You may know this or not, but Kripke went with the groinal theme and fucked us over by calling her a love interest because he wanted to have his own nasty monkey way with our heads. He likes to screw with us which I think merits at least dinner first, don’t you?
Padalecki shows how Sam makes out with a girl.
He’s just lost pocket rights for that bit of business.
The first five minutes of the season 4 premiere? Are utterly and totally AWESOME. I wanted to make sweet love to Kripke for giving me this show and then flip him over and do it again. Did I mention it was AWESOME? There was a Carrie reference, dirty Dean, shirtless belly Dean, Busty Asian Beauties and for the freaks among us (hi, Anya!) a hurt and in pain Dean. Oh, for those of you guessing when Dean will show up? It’s the first 5 seconds of the show, after a lot of panting in the dark and the illumination of a lighter. Sounds like a date to me!
Ackles' opinion on season 4 so far.
The gag reel included a lot of what looked like The Boys practicing for their pair figure skating routine - amusing, but probably even more intriguing in spandex. I think they are spending their free time learning to emote through interpretative dance because there was a lot of coordinated body movement going on. Perhaps Sam and Dean have a secret desire to go to the Vancouver Winter Olympics? They don't even need to pack!
I've heard from witnesses that this panel was better than last year's because both Boys were present. I'll have to agree because they play off each other too well, even if they did seem tired. I went to the Friday the 13th panel next, but it wasn't nearly as entertaining because it wasn't Our Boys focused. Padalecki wasn't even the one doing most of the talking so I tuned out and counted ceiling tiles.
The pretty of Padalecki.
Overall rating * -
Assless chaps: should be mentioned every Con +10
Brokeback Mountain: gay indie film reference, even if unintentional +10
Referring to Metallicar as their Trigger: +10
Bela: Kripke still refuses to take responsibility -6
JoyfulAckles: when can we see that again?! +10
ReticentPadalecki: -2 Our bonny boy needs a hug, but he was still Padalecki so +10
Ghostfacers: -1 for being a tad too long, but +8 for being Ghostfacers!
KripkeBeingKripke: His awesomeness is almost incalculable, but...+10
Promo: +10 [unintelligible high pitched squee!!!]
Gift Bag: bonus points! +10 But they need new promo pictures. Like....really.
Ackles has left the building. Thank'ya very much. Padalecki is momentarily
blinded by his hair and loses sight of him in the crowd.
* Note: Zanne math has been heretofore unseen by mankind. Do not try to calculate a total because the rules of Zanne math can only be understood by Zanne, cross-eyed dolphins, dyslexic bees and brain damaged amphibians of less than four legs.