Come to the dark side...we have Winchesters!

Jun 28, 2011 20:40

You may or may not recall me mentioning a friend of mine from work, Matt. We went out once, a few years ago. That didn't pan out(then, anyway; who knows what may be around the corner ;)). However, he mentioned at the time that he was a Buffy/Angel/Firefly fan. Cut to this spring, when I borrowed Buffy and Angel from a different friend, and became totally hooked on Angel. One day in the breakroom I mentioned this to Matt and you should have seen his eyes light up. Then, when my other friend only had the first two seasons of Angel to loan me, Matt said he would loan me his copies of the last three seasons. I'm currently in between Seasons Four and Five.

In exchange, I offered to loan him Season One of Supernatural, and I think he accepted the trade mostly because I've been going on about it for ages. And he's a sweet guy, so he was probably indulging me a bit. :) He did start watching, though. Got in one episode, then the DVDs sat in his living room for a couple weeks, collecting dust. Every time we've met in the breakroom to talk about Angel, he's apologized for not watching Supernatural faster. Even last week, when he finally got into the middle of the season, and admitted he liked it, he double-checked that it was okay if it took him a few weeks to get through it all. Today, he said he's down to the last two episodes, and is looking forward to them. Hee hee! And, he wants to keep the set for a while longer so he can rewatch some episodes. Yeah, I knew he'd get hooked. :D

And all this while, we share a table in the breakroom every chance we get to geek out over our new shared obsessions.

buffy, supernatural, angel, genre geeks unite!

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