Feb 11, 2009 01:22
Just here to complain for a moment because I am experiencing too much pain to sleep.
So tonight while leaving a friends house down their insanely steep driveway I slipped on ice, while carrying a very heavy 2 yr old, and landed on my knee.
Literally on my knee cap.
I fell in this awkward position a.) because I couldn’t put my hands out to catch myself and b.) that parental instinct to protect the munchkin caused me to push myself forward knowing full well I would take the brunt of the fall instead of him.
Munchkin is totally fine, actually thought it was a bit fun. I on the other hand can no longer see my knee cap because of the swelling. My knee is completely blue and the pain just won’t subside!
This pisses me off for the obvious reason that I am now in pain, but also because I just started going to the gym and was really getting into a good rhythm and now know I am delayed for however long this will take to heal.
Also I hate going to the doctors and am thinking this maybe one of those cases where I really need to push that stubborn "I'm fine" part of myself away and just go.
I am also bummed because for once I was excited that it was snowing and now have nothing but disgust for the stupid stuff!
End Rant