Nov 28, 2008 13:27
Which may make writing difficult on both fronts, but it hurts to much physically to do anything else, and if I don’ get some of this jumble out I am certain the physical pain wont go away.
Is optimism (as well as the counterpart pessimism) a learned behavior, or is it an inborn trait among humans? I don’t think I am an optimistic person. I want to be, I tell myself I am, but I really don’t think that I look at everything in life as half full, having a silver lining, or as a door closed and another opened. I think if I make a conscious effort in my thinking I can be optimistic, but I don’t think that the behavior comes naturally. Does it for anyone? Are there really people in this world that are just inherently optimistic? Or have they taught themselves to be that way? How does one go about teaching oneself to be constantly optimistic?
Why am I on this train of thought? Trust; I believe that you have to have a certain amount of optimism to be trusting. If you do not have an optimistic out look how can you see people as being truthful, good, or loving? If you don’t see people as being theses things how can you trust them?
I battle with trust and optimism. The ever constant therapist in me tells my self that the battle for trust is not with others, but within me; that there can be no optimism or trust in or of others unless I find both within myself. How? If I constantly doubt the actions and words of others how am I to ever believe that my actions or words are the right?
With trust comes a certain amount of fear; how is that fear overcome? Can you truly be trusting if you have any fear? If you are an optimistic person do you have fear of trusting, or does one cancel out the other? Is there anyone who gives trust freely, knowing that no matter the outcome something will have been gained? Can trust be continually given freely to those of your choosing regardless of past outcomes that were not so favorable? Isn’t there a point where even the most optimistic person becomes jaded and lets fear of trusting overrule their instinct to trust? Or does it go back to having trust in oneself that overrules whatever might happen when you trust others?
My head still hurts literally and figuratively. I have more questions then answers, and the looming feeling of something shifting is ever present with no more clarity then when I started.