Metal.....Gear...........(FF Version Update)

Jun 14, 2008 12:58

 I haven't played FF for a while now. I went on vacation with the family for about 4-5 days and the next day or so after I got home Metal Gear Solid 4 came out. I'm a huge Metal Gear fan so it took over me. Its an amazing game, i'd give it a 10. I'll probably play it a lot more but i beat it for the first time already, so i"ll hop back on FF more then likely in the next few days.

FF Version Update - Once again a big update that means very little to me. All the cool new things are for high level people as usual so i wasn't nearly as excited about it like everyone else. Just more endgame stuff for me to not have and have to worry about getting when i do get high level.
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