I have weird dreams like some about the US Presidential Election:
Arnold Schwarzeneggar, a Republican who endorses John McCain, was informing us to vote Republican. We were in a dark room and his face was all shadowy. Then it turns out that it was John McCain in an Arnold mask like that Saw V poster. His mask started to fall off and then he ran away shielding his face.
This parody of Bush/McCain scares me. D:
Another one had Obama in it. Except me and my buds found out he was a killer. But he didn't know that we knew that he was a killer. So we were avoiding him by running away through many doors and hiding in rooms. He was peeking through the blinds of the windows with his "son" D': Eventually he finds us all in one room sitting on couches and.... nothing happens.
Another one involved Amy Poehler instead. The TV news announced that Amy had been murdered along with another D: But this is when my dream went fuzzy and I woke up.
PS. I'll hallow your weenie.