Diana Wynne Jones

Mar 29, 2011 02:52

I have other things to rant about, but right now, I'd just like to express my sorrow regarding the passing of Diana Wynne Jones, who died on the 26th of March after a long fight with cancer. May she rest in peace.

I'm...well, I'm really going to miss her. She will always be one of my favourite fantasy authors. She was truly a writer of rare skill. Her books were so wonderfully complex, yet charming -- I found them challenging reads, especially when I was younger, but it was always a highly enjoyable experience. I'm far from being done with reading all of her works, but already there are so of her books that I love. Just to name a few: the Chrestomanci series, Fire and Hemlock, and my favourite, Howl's Moving Castle. I remember being incredibly thrilled to find that Howl and Sophie, two of the most memorable characters she had created, continued to appear in two of her later works, and I had really been looking forward to another book that featured them. That's no longer possible, but really, she's left us with so many other great books to enjoy. I plan to get through all of them eventually -- it'll probably take me years.

I share the same regret other fans have expressed -- that we never got to thank her for the joy her stories brought us. I hope she was aware just how much her writing was appreciated before her passing.

random, diana wynne jones

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