I could probably plot a Stress vs Productivity graph (Rurouni Kenshin - Succession and Rest)

Oct 08, 2008 22:00

I generally write better when I'm stressed.

It was a really crazy week.

And when I say 'better', I'm only really referring to quantity.

Title: Succession
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: Yahiko, Kaoru
Warnings: None
Word Count: 150
Summary: He knew he would surpass her. But she wasn't about to make it easy


Yahiko had always known that he would surpass her. It made perfect sense - after all, he was planning to surpass Kenshin anyway, and while busu was a decent enough teacher and all, she wasn’t anywhere near Kenshin’s level.

When she finally agreed to teach him the ougi, he knew that he’d soon be one step closer.

She ordered him to attack her, and he did, without holding back. She could take it. But he was still shocked when she neatly caught the blade of his bokken, and was even more so when he found himself on the floor.

He couldn’t wait to try it.

She attacked. Fifty thousand repetitions... He should have been ready.

“You’re - OPEN!”

By the time he could get up again, his stomach throbbing and his mouth sour with the taste of regurgitated breakfast, he’d come to realize that he still had a long way to go.


I think I exceeded even my own threshold for fluffy sweetness tolerance with this one.

Title: Rest
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: Kenshin, Kaoru
Warnings: Cheesiness
Word Count: 100 words (yess!! I finally wrote an actual drabble!)
Summary: He should be embarrassed, but he is too tired, and this is the perfect place to rest.
A/N: Ending differs slightly from FF.net version

It is only after he sheathes his sword that he looks up and gives her the smile he's been saving.

“Are you alright?”

Her eyes shine with tears, but she smiles back.


She is some distance away, so he begins to walk towards her. But in his exhaustion, he manages to trip -


- and finds himself in her arms.

He should be embarrassed, but he is too tired, and this is the perfect place to rest.

When she laughs, he feels warm tears fall onto his head.

“Kenshin...let’s go home.”

“But, Kaoru-dono,” he murmurs. “This one is already home.”


ETA: Another version - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3541602/5/Kizamu

From the way I'm going, for me to be able to write something epic I would have to be beyond the point where I suffer a nervous breakdown. And probably not be sane enough to actually write anything decent. Nurr...

fandom: rurouni kenshin, fic, thingie

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