Religion and Science are inter-twined with each other and cannot be separated. -- Baha’u’llah
What's Working Devotions is not just for those who come to the Oregon City Community Room. It is also for those who want to participate virtually. This week (10/9/07) we enjoyed the offering of spiritual calling from someone who is participating via
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I have a friend who considered herself an atheist. I think largely this is because her father was a Holocaust survivr and "how couuld a loving God allow such a tragedy to happen?" We were taking a walk one day, and Ipointed out to her the order in the universe. Much later (like 20 years) she told me that she had reconciled herself to a belief in God as the motivating force in the universe, but that she still didn't believe He had any influence on day to day lives of people or nations or planets. Just a couple years ago, she discovered a Christian woman's support group, and ended up joining the Catholic Church (her mother is Catholic). I find these progressions interesting.
Another thing I was thinking about yesterday after I posted my essay is that God having created the universe HAS to follow the Laws of Thermodynamics (or, rather, that the Laws couldn't have been developed unless God created the universe). If matter can neither be created nor destroyed, then there HAS to have been matter before the Big Bang. And before the previous big bangs, ad infinitum.
By the way, completely off the subject, I LOVE your Diddy/Bjork dialog!
"Wouldn't the logical counterpart to infinity be nothingness? (Of course it is, she replies to herself, but that was before the zero.)"
That's a tough question:
Is the opposite of everything nothing or anything? This is, I believe, what honestly drove the Greeks near madness. A lot of things concerning infinity still have no answers in mathematics.
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