Life... The Universe... And Everything

Apr 01, 2007 13:00

Hello my friends,

Today brought about a very big change in my life that I wanted to share with you all. I've done much soul searching, and on this day I made a big decision concerning my future. As I'm sure most of you know, I've been living out here in Orlando for a while now, but I've never found myself to be terribly content with the place. I've decided that it is time for a new change of pace. As of tomorrow I plan to turn in my letter of resignation to Lockheed Martin and pursue a new career. It's okay though, I've got some money saved up for a rainy day and should be good for a little while.

I've decided that a new locale would do me some good. It's been a real task for me to come up with a place I plan to restart my life at, but I chose the best candidate out of the lot. Brussels, Belgium. Far back my family on my mother's side were Belgian and I hope to reconnect with that lost familial energy. I know there will be many obstacles to overcome in the fact that I don't speak any of the native languages, I'm not familiar with the country or its customs, and that being an American will have some stigma attached to it. However, these are all obstacles that I truly believe I can overcome.

I've met with a gentleman who will be acting as an agent on my behalf to sell most of my possessions, since I'll no longer need most, or be able to transport them across the ocean. I've come more and more to see that these have been holding me back, like a shackle around my neck that's only dragging me deeper down into a sad world. I hope my new life will liberate me from all this that has been weighing heavily on me.

I'm not sure when, or if, I'll ever see you guys again, so let me thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your friendship. And if you ever find yourself in Brussels, just look me up under Handcrafted Aboriginal Wood Art artists. Maybe I can show you around.

Good Luck, and Long Lives to you all,
-Zane F. Everett
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