First, from
Comment on this entry and I'll...
-Pic 7 of your interests for you to talk about.
-4 icons for you to talk about.
-Post this on your journal so other people can play.
That last one doesn't appear to have anything to do with what I'm doing, but what the hell. Here's my answers.
1. Scott Summers/Cyclops
Oh my god, do I love Scott Summers. Seriously. He's almost always referred to as a stick in the mud, or just a soldier for Xavier's dream or what have you. But he's so, so much more than that. He's been broken so many times, but he puts himself back together because he needs to keep fighting for the people he loves, for his teammates, for the dream that's become his life, for his enemies... There's a quote frequently attributed to Scott (I've never verified it) that sums up what drives him for me: inaction equals murder. Scott truly believes that, whether or not he can save everyone--or even anyone--that he is still compelled to act, because not acting is tantamount to becoming the evil that he fights. He's amazing and I will be a Cyclops fangirl for-freaking-ever. *laughs* You could probably find elements of Scott's character in almost all of my current favorite characters. Byakuya has his damaged reserve, Ichigo has his determination to put the whole world under his protection, Allen Walker has his drive to keep going until the end, Shinichi has his desire to see justice done, Zangetsu has taken on his dry sense of humor... *laughs again* I should probably stop now. I could keep going forever.
2. srmthg
The interests field wouldn't let me put in a six-word-long interest, so "Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!" became "srmthg." I swear I'm not making this up--it's a real show. And it's awesome. Whoever made this show had a deep and abiding love of sentai and sci-fi movies. I can't find anywhere you can watch it right now, but I highly recommend checking it out.
3. Allen Walker
Allen Walker is from D.Gray-man, my latest shounen obsession. D.Gray-man in general is fantastic--it reads a little like Fullmetal Alchemist stole Trinity Blood's costume designer and picked up a few elements of that series' vision of the church while they were at it. Allen is an exorcist in the Dark Order and he uses Innocence--sometimes referred to as "God's crystal"--to battle akumas. But that alone wouldn't be enough to get him on the list with Scott, Ichigo, Sanzo, Zangetsu, Bumblebee, Chris Larabee, Train Heartnet and all my other diehard obsessions. Allen looks simple at first glance: painfully innocent little boy with a righteous passion for saving people from the evil around him, because It's His Destiny, And His Weapon Proves It. *rolls eyes* Shounen. Anyway, if you read further, you find out that he isn't always all that strong or righteous or innocent or sure of his cause. He falls. He fails. He gets back up. He keeps walking. I love Allen to bits.
4. Breaking Benjamin
If I could post in lj properly I'd upload a song by them for y'all to hear, but my browser is giving me shit fits right now, so no go. *is still a little cranky about that* They're one of my favorite bands and one of the few that I'd even consider buying an album for without even hearing a song from it. My favorite album by them is their second, We Are Not Alone.
5. The Dresden Files
When I talk about The Dresden Files, I'm usually talking about the TV series starring Paul Blackthorne rather than the books by Jim Butcher that inspired it, but that's just because I don't read nearly as many real books as I used to lately. I'm not even halfway through Fool Moon yet. That said, everyone who loves urban fantasy should read/watch both. Immediately, if not sooner. There are very few series I've read that make magic in a modern setting feel as real as it does here, with real consequences besides y'know, growing rabbit ears or something. Also, Murphy. Murphy is awesome.
6. Antauri
Antauri is actually a character from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! (Do I put a period after a title that ends with an exclamation point? Hmmm...questions.) He's the black monkey in the first and second seasons (I think) and the silver monkey thereafter. He's voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson, and that gets my attention, right there. Antauri is the second in command (Under the shounen-hero team leader. Who wears orange. Yes, seriously.) and also the...mental strength, for lack of a better way to put it, of the team. On the surface, he's calm, serene, utterly competant and in control. If you dig deeper, you find a suprising depth of emotion, especially concerning his team. Actually...he's a lot like Scott Summers.
7. Eureka
I don't really watch this show much anymore, but I remember it being hilarious. It's about a town called Eureka, where the US government has stashed the most dysfunctional group of brilliant scientists it can get its hands on and the sheriff who has to babysit them keep them from blowing up a large chunk of the country/planet/reality on a semi-regular basis.
Now to see if this damn client will let me insert pictures.
That's the one named "zangetsu 2," in case it didn't work. I love Zangetsu, as everyone reading this is probably aware by now, but I'm picky about which Zangetsu icons I upload. I like this one so much that it's become like a second default icon for me. If you go back through the older entries--before I upgraded to a paid account so that I could feed my icon fixation more efficiently--you'll see me mostly just switching back and forth between my default icon and this one.
That's "brain missing," in case it didn't display. There's not much I can do to fix it just yet. About the icon...Zoe Washburne is my hero. That is all. ;D
This one is "conan-problem child," which all of you have probably seen, even you didn't come here by way of the Detective Conan fandom. It's the big grin on Conan's face at the prospect of carving something (inanimate, for the record) up that really makes that picture for me. It's been pointed out before that I have a thing for weapons in general and those that hold an edge in particular. I refuse to confirm or deny. *smirk*
And last but not least, "tony-not hero material." That's movieverse Tony Stark, who saved Iron Man as far as I'm concerned. Comicsverse Tony is nowhere near as interesting to me. He's...unrepentantly flawed and heroic despite himself. I like him. This icon perfectly fits the Tony that shows up in my fics. Yes, there is more than just the one, I'm just hideously bad at actually finishing anything that's not Zanpakutou-verse.
Next, a meme I ganked from
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open to page 56.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next seven sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book or the intellectual one: pic the CLOSEST.
6. Tag five other people to do the same.
The funny part of doing this meme is that the chair where I use the computer is about two to four feet away from ALL MY BOOKSHELVES. Practically my entire collection is within arm's reach. I just closed my eyes and reached out to pick one.
"What do you want, Taylor?"
"How long have you been lounging around here? Days? Weeks?"
She shrugged. "I am currently between cases. Bottom's dropped out of the bounty-hunting business lately."
The book was Agents of Light and Darkness, from the Nightside series by Simon R. Green. Go figure the quoted part would be boring.
Almost forgot to tag people. So, five random flisters:
rizzysnape and
drharper. Also, anyone who wants to play can consider themselves tagged.