Shoot, I need a laptop case. It'd be a good excuse to hang out, too. I'd be happy to buy it off you, or buy you lunch or whatever is amenable. I'm taking my laptop on a trip soon and don't have a case right now. Let me know.
Sweet! Let's see, I leave late on the 17th, and have a final on the 15th, and am crazy busy tomorrow. That leaves Monday (12th), Tuesday(13th), and Saturday(16th) as ideal for me. Early on the 17th or late on the 15th also work. Saturday is probably best, and afternoons are best. I live in North Seattle and will be around the UW campus a lot, but can drive out to where ever, that's not a problem. When and where?
I work M-F like a good little wage slave, but I'm usually in the U-Dist sometime around 4-5pm. Does 5pm on Monday work? I'm fond of this chai lounge called Trabant, on 45th next to the Neptune.
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