life as of now

Apr 15, 2009 00:15

Cary and I found four Easter eggs around Savannah on Sunday. Two were plastic and had weird little clothespins inside, and the other two were hard-boiled and painted.

Sam and I found out that we've been paying for upstairs and downstairs electricity on our apartment, which had made our bill almost five hundred dollars for the past two months. We investigated, found two sets of switches and turned one off. Our power bill this month was only ninety dollars. We're suing... and hopefully breaking the lease with our stupid crooked canadian landlord so we can move out of the ghetto. Especially since I'm living here this summer, I don't want to get mugged real bad.

I found out today that I'm going to be in school for the next two years straight, with no summer breaks. I think I'm okay with that. I think.

I'm also actively pursuing the perfect kitten. I need a cat in my life. Hopefully I'll be successful, and soon!

School is going well, boyfriend is going well, room mates are going well, friends, car, life. I'm happy.
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