Nov 12, 2006 18:14
'Bout time I updated.
Went to my friend Jen's friend's birthday we'en party in Oakville last night after work. I wasn't going to, cause I knew how KO'd I'd be after work (plus, Connie made me last one out :P ) but I'm so glad I did. really fun.
Jen was her Drow character, and she had these hillariously large sexy dominatrix looking boots one, and she was all painted dark grey. It was HOT. XD And there were ferrets (they melt!) and kitties and all sorts of beasts. ^-^ I went as Pyramid head, and it was awesomely hilarious, cause I did a sexy dance with my t-square, and it was decided that that went on the list of top ten things pyramid head should *never* do. :D There was a goat and an L too.
So there Lindsay and Amanda. Some furries aern't so bad. ...though when I said that, they were like shaking there heads and going "no, actually, most of them are creepy 50 year old men." LOL.
Talk to you all later,