Aug 27, 2006 22:40
I have decided to be different. I shall post 7 things about me. Ha ha ha!XD
Woah. Dude, I'm actually having trouble thinking about wierd shit about me today...*thinks hard*
1.) I feel very peaceful when I am around water. Even better if its like, live water, like an ocean or a river. It calms me. Which is why I hate getting dunked or when people play too rough. It kills my tranquility.
2.) I have a compulsive buying problem. I have to argue with myself really hard to just not go buy stuff all the time. Well, actually, I'm alot better than I used to be, so... proud Sama. *beats chest once*
3.) I have no insecurity about not having a boyfriend. None. I wouldn't mind one eventually, but eh. *shrugs* I don't think it makes me undesireable or anything.
4.) Wearing fun undies makes me happy. ^-^
5.) I have a few series I still read, but I don't give much of a crap about anime or manga anymore.
6.) I read a girl's deviantart account for soap-opera type kicks. I'm really addicted to it, and sometimes I even join in the drama. (, for the bored.)
7.) The white streak in my hair has strands that reach my ear.
that's it. I don't tag anyone, cause I don't give a rat's ass.