My horse is lame

May 03, 2009 20:17

Not in the unsound sense. Well he was momentarily this afternoon on account of somebody WAILING on him in the paddock. He's got a moster bruise/owie spot on his right flank. It scared the SHIT out of me..he's never been lame for as long as I've known him.  A collective groan and WHYYYYYY meeeeee were heard.

Which can only mean somebody or rather Captain and probably Quint got into a kicking match. Actually, it probably went like this. Captain sniffs at Quint who bares his teeth. Captain tucks his tail and scrams. Captain tries again and Quint, being the big adolescent asshole he is, turns and wails on my horse. Even though he's older than Captain. He's kind like the big shot rookie a baseball team gets in and is still unsure of himself but for some reason has a holier than thou 'tude when it comes to the other horses. Sue blames Cisco but I have my doubts about that...he's capabable but usually it's Quint with the ugly face. I think we might leave Captain in a stall this week...he needs to be turned out with the geriatrics! sheesh

Sue came in and watched him go and immediately isolated it as his hind leg; however there was no heat or swelling anywhere in his leg so she started probing around his hind end and he went OW and scooted his butt. Problem solved. So we did loads of walk/halt work and ended with a very very very nice trot.

Put him in and gave him oats, beet pulp and a tab of bute to help him feel a bit better but the jerk ate all around the bute :P
No trailer as of yet but hopefully Julie brought it out after I left or she'll bring it out this week. I don't go up tomorrow because of my AP exams but Sue's going to keep an eye on him and I may go up before work.

Next weekend I may be house/dog sitting for a boarder, which'll be nice, she has a very nice house and adorable dogs!

I'm at work but then home to sleep and then AP US and Comp. Government exam tomorrow!!!!

sue, riding, cisco, captain, quint, showing

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