It needs to be Friday yesterday.
I found out today that not only do I have to be in the same presentation with Ben at State Convention. I have to SIT right next him and be lined up with him in the back, and walk across the stage behind him. For State Degrees, it goes by chapter and then alphabetically by last name. Which is great and all, but not when our advisor worked the system so Ben could get his degree this year(as a freshman in college) and run for Star farmer at the same time.
Julie was like ohhh honey, just look your hotest and ignore him. hah.
Nor do I want to deal with fall out that is sure to ensue because of the fact that there are like 4 freshmen going to State and then take joy in causing my emotional unrest.
Dom and Fetzner decided that lunch would be an AWESOME time to talk about 'hot' girls. See this is objective as their definition is a girl that is good looking but has 0 common sense and IQ at room temperature. Oh but see, I'm a 'bitch' according to Dom but he has not real explaination. I asked and he's like, well just look at you! FTW for real.
I maintain, you can't fix stupid(Thank You Ron White). I was fuming by the time I left the room. Dom continues to yell or say 'Bitch' or even 'Queen Bitch' whenever I walk past him. Sorry I don't like STD's and won't put out for your nasty ass. Get over it and grow a pair. for real. Igoring doesn't help, he does it more. Neither does kicking his ass, tried that. It turns him on. Either he and Fetzner are getting REAMED or I'm going to the assistant principal and calling sexual harassment.
Katelyn is running for the Queen of Scots(part of the Highland Festival here) and she had her speech in class. I was reading it and two very very minute edits and she bit by fucking head off. I like it this way, I don't care. Umm fwiw, It was taking out two words, an extra only she didn't need and a 'from the first'. okay, so that's four but still. They were itty bitty details and actually taking them out would punch her speech to the next level.
Really?! Okay, I haven't been in FFA since 7th grade, made it to Regionals for Public Speaking twice nor I have been on two back to back state level Parliamentary Procedure teams. I must not edit EVERY ONE of her papers and I'm not going to college to be a news editorial journalist. I obviously don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Yeah, okay. And you did what, take ONE speech class in highschool? You're right, obviously. Forget that I write for the paper.
I guess I'll just help the girls that ask me to edit their speeches. I was SO pissed. To top it off, I know what some of the words she was using and some of the judges may have, but the rest of the room she'll be delivering her speech too? They'll have no idea what she's trying to say. I didn't tell her that. I hate to say, 'dumb it down' but essentially if you're giving a speech to a large crowd, you almost have to assume they are novices and don't know what you are talking about.
Why is it, that when nobody listens to me, I always end up being right?
Your daily quota of bitching brought to you by me.