
Feb 21, 2009 22:43

Today was good, fun :)

I love hanging out with my barn family! It was SO cold but a lot of fun. Julie and I did a lesson together, which went well. Sometimes I get annoyed and frusterated with Myra but really the work is for our own good. She had me working on shortening his stride where as Sue and I are CONSTANTLY working to get him pushing from behind and nicely forward. The thing that gets me is that she's almost always here on cold days so by the time the lesson is just about over, he's finally warm and ready to really work. Once Captain has a nice warm up in, he's SO much better. She told me I have a robot horse :( In the sense of the frame he carries himself in when he's still warming up. She did tell me that I'm a pretty rider, just not effective all the time. Which yes, it's true but when I've had that horse do just about everything in the book to get me off and bolting when I first had him at contact, I'm still a bit leary about riding with full contact. Once I do, he's fine, it's just the initial stage of getting there. She said, and I quote,"In a few years, you're going to have a very nice, athletic horse". ahhhhhh a few years that kind of makes me sad, lol.

My biggest issue is all mental. I expect a lot out of him, because he's such a willing horse, with a great work ethic, no matter what Myra says. I'm the one that rides him pretty much daily and Sue's my main trainer. I'm going to go with what I know to be true. Anyway, he'll try his heart out, just to please. He's got a great mind so I expect so much of him and get frusterated when he can't or won't do something. We've built such a relationship that I happen to occasionally forget that I've only really had him since October. But damn, it feels SO good to see the fruits of your own labor and re-training :) And by re-training I mean everything that I've put into him. Yes, I take lessons every other week, but I've done all his work myself. The CMU girls just exercise him. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Dinner was good, we ate at Tiffany's: Sue, Rebecca, Marissa, Julie, Myra and I. Speaking of Julie, we're going down to SportHorse next weekend! I think I might break down and finally buy Captain a halter, LOL. Marissa has a CO Gr8, and let me try it. It fits perrrrfectly :) Now I know I need a 7 and 5/8.

Fetzner and I are kinda sorta not really back on...we'll see where it goes :)

julie, dressage, marissa, myra, captain, sue, brandon, shopping

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