What has gotten into people?!

Dec 05, 2008 18:24

Am I prettier than I think I am?!

Because seriously, I can't keep boys away from me, and all I really want is to just be left alone.
This week:
It's thought that Eric likes me
Paul texted me and told me I got hot, after he saw me
Luke checked me out at lunch
and now Vinnie wants to 'fool around'.

I HAVE DONE NOTHING. What the hell is going on?!?!

a brighter spot in my day, the Centralis was awesome :) my essay was about the Bailout and I nailed it! my type of question, lol. I met super nice girls from Schoolcraft and Sturgis(baaahahah, completely opposite ends of the state). I'm really excited for college now! and I only need a 3 on my AP exams.
My gov teacher was so proud of me! She told me I could probably get a 3 on my exams right now, lol.

jerks, cmu

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