Time for an update

Jun 07, 2006 10:50

Sorry this has take so long (of course it's not like people are riveted waiting for my posts). I still haven't gotten the net up in my apartment and I've only been able to get online at work, and we've been relatively busy since I've been back so.. yeah.

Trip home was awesome, it felt so good to feel California's air again. It's just so much more alive than here.. where it feels very dry and dead. I definetly had a good time with everyone that I got to hang out with. Went and saw X-Men midnight showing the night I got in (was so sleepy had been awake from a mid shift the day before) Myself, Darb, and Greg drove out together, but Darby went and ditched us to go sit with James (I'd say it in the annoying sigh-like voice but that doesn't work so well in written word) and his "possy". Movie was good, somethings could have been better but it was well done.

Went and hung out with the pacifca crew. I met Justin as I was getting off the BART train and we talked for a little bit before a strange homeless man came over to us and started talking about yo-yos... thankfully Logan showed up, I bid farewell to Justin and got in the car with Logan. Dear god Logan is setting up an awesome system at their apartment. Have you ever seen Halo projected onto a wall? *whistles* Pretty nifty. Me and Logan hung out there while waiting for the David and Tyler to come home. We then went and saw X-Men, we had a good time. Driving back from the theatre was interesting because there were five of us (Logan had a female friend accompany us) and our mode of transport was Logan's truck... and being the gentlemen that we are allowed the lady to have the actual seat, while David, Tyler, and Myself cramed into the bed of the truck and hid from passerby. It was quite crowded. We then went back to the apartment and just hung out talking for awhile before crashing.

I got up early in the morning and had Logan take me back to BART where I was then picked up by my sister, went home, got showered, changed, and got into the Explorer and drove out to Yuba City to see all my relatives out there. It was good to see all them again, I hadn't seen any of them since Chirstmas of '04. Mom had made some pie to along with my B-Day cake (it was a slight birthday party though mostly just a gathering) I had missed my Mom's pie, it was verrrry scrumpcious. Talked with everyone there, told them what I'd been up to, my plans on trying to get an assignment to Japan. Played Badmitton with My cousin Andy vs. My cousin Nick and his son Ian. Hoo boy is Ian a little hell raiser. Later just me and Andy were playing and I almost ran into him while going back to hit the shuttlecock. Had to turn and slide away from him. It was all good fun and was quite good to see all of them again.

The rest of the trip a lot of the details are hazy in my head. Can't remember the rest. Though I did go and visit Curtis and Terry for a quick visit. Hung out with Greg some more. He came over and we played some Guitar Hero... Must get... and we watched all 13 episodes of Clone High. Dude that's an awesome series, I can't believe there wasn't more of it.

After all my fun in Cali I came back home, back on Days so I'm seeing the light of day again. Still working on the waking up in the morning thing. Of course I've never been all that good at that. Works been pretty busy, I'd go into more detail but I'm not allowed to.

Got a new PS2 game, "Steambot Chronicles" it's quite fun, and since when have I not sought out a good mech game. The controls to a little getting used to (to move forward you press both of the analogs forward, kinda like katamari) but it's a well put together game. One of the best mech games I've found so far, I recommend it if anyones interested.

Oh, and I recently saw that there is going to be a Gitaroo Man game for the PSP, with two new levels and co-op play. Could be fun.

Still working on getting Lauren out here... but most of you already know all that.

I think that's all I have for now. Sorry for being so long winded, I need to post more often... maybe if I tell myself that it'll come true... *laughs maniacilly*

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