Fandom Snowflake Challenge: Day 1

Jan 02, 2014 08:34

2013 is the year I really joined fandom - though I realized later I'd been creating a few isolated fanworks previously, this year I made it a point to become more a part of it all, and I'm glad I did. :)

Found out about this via

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

1: The Guardian of the Opera
Fandom: Rise of the Guardians, The Phantom of the Opera (1986 musical, 2011 Royal Albert Hall recording)
Medium: Fanfic
Pairing: Jack/Jamie (Christine/Raoul), Jack/Pitch (Christine/Phantom)
Length: 48991 (+1838) words
Summary: When the prima donna principal dancer E. Aster Bunnymund throws a tantrum over a supposed dark “Guardian” of the Ballet Populaire house, soloist Jack Frost steps up. But little does anyone know that the Guardian is real and stepping into the limelight has made Jack the target of his desires. Jack’s childhood friend Jamie Bennett fights to save Jack’s heart, life, and perhaps even soul.
Reflection: This was my first long fic ever, and my first time consciously realizing that I was writing fanfic. It took me months to complete (2013 April-November), and I would never have believed it would be that long, or that I'd stick with it for that long, when I first read the prompt and got inspired. I can't believe how many people read it, though at the time I wished it were more comments, and I especially wish I got more [positive] comments about the ending.

2: Sandy's Fireflies on AO3, on Vimeo
Fandom: Rise of the Guardians
Music: Fireflies by Owl City
Medium: Fanvid
Pairing: None
Length: 3:48
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
Reflection: This was my first fanvid ever! :) I grew obsessed with this song soon after I entered fandom, and then realized that I knew enough about video editing in iMovie and could figure out enough else about it to do something about the obsession. Since I was only into RotG at the time, of course that's what I thought of, and Sandy was the obvious choice.

3: Repentance
Fandom: X-Men (movies, especially Last Stand and First Class)
Medium: Fanfic
Pairing: Erik/Charles (as friends)
Length: 4526 words
Summary: Post-Cure Erik Lehnsherr alternates days playing chess in Central Park and doing chores, except for on the Sabbath. When he makes a new friend who reminds him of an old friend, he realizes the meaning of the Ten Days.
Rec: Kass (again) made me aware of this thing called the Days of Awesome, which was a challenge to write about Jewish characters for the High Holy Days. Erik being Erik, he was the obvious choice, and no Erik fic is complete without his foil Charles, even if just in memory. While this one has fewer comments than The Guardian of the Opera, presumably due to being shorter and thus getting less exposure through AO3's assorted reverse chronological list features, the specific comments which I did get were amazing (elegaic! someone called me elegaic!), and I feel really proud of the impact this work made on people.

Originally posted on Dreamwidth.
comments there. Comment here or there.

snowflake challenge, fandom, video, fanvid, fanfic, links, vidding

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