Your result for The Famous (and Not So Famous) Art Quiz...
Art Lover
85% Artiste!
Art Lover: You scored 85% Artiste. You may not have any formal training, but you are a big fan of art, at least what you've been able to see in your local museum. Try broadening your horizons a little and exploring some lesser known artists.
Take The Famous (and Not So Famous) Art Quiz Considering how bad I was at art history in high school, this must've been a remarkably easy quiz - and up until the last page with photographers/sculptors, I really did find it easy. AFAI can tell, I got only one wrong prior to that last page (Monet/Manet), and only one right on that last page. The creator of the quiz did pick paintings/artists with distinct styles, but also put the choices as people from the same time period and similar general styles of art, so it wasn't all no-brainers, but still not as difficult as it could have been. I'd've liked to see the answers next to the actual paintings at the end.