Sometimes it's a beautiful day. And sometimes the world decides to bite you in the ass.
Today was a beautiful day, so I put on a cute little sun dress, my most comfortable sandals, and went for a walk. I specifically made it a point to change from a cute pair of ballet slippers I was thinking of wearing to sandals b/c I thought the ballet slippers would give me a blister on my heel. I picked my flip flops instead of Birkies b/c they'd been irritating my heel around the Achilles tendon b/c the strap's a bit messed up right now, and instead of the Tevas b/c they always make the back of my heel right above where my heel touches the sole of the shoe, they make that spot get blistery. So the comfy padded flip-flops it was, on a muggy humid 90º afternoon, for a short half-mile walk into town and back.
I'm sure you can guess the rest of the story.
Halfway through town it started drizzling. The one thing that could've been worse is it never outright downpoured, so we were able to duck under awnings and such and never get drenched. But then I realized that my feet were feeling a little irritated under the balls of the feet b/c of the soles of the flip-flops sticking more than usual. So I shifted my weight as we walked. A little further I checked my left sole: yep, a blister coming on. Kept walking, now on the way back - not much else you can do but keep walking.
Despite the ambient wetness I could tell exactly when that blister ripped and the skin flipped over, so I stopped to flip it back, and continued hobbling home. Surprisingly for pain-wimp me, it didn't hurt all *that* much, most of the limping wasn't from pain but from wishing to not further exacerbate the situation. Maybe I really do have endorphins.
We got nearly home when it turned from a drizzle to a rain, and T$ recommended I hurry it on up so I didn't get soaked. Seriously, that was the least of my worries. Even cute little sun dresses dry out. I just had an image of
either ripping the entire sole of my foot right off, or else just slipping my foot off the side of my slick flip-flops and cracking my skull open on the ground. Either would've involved lots of blood.
Thankfully I made it the last few hundred feet w/o incident (or is it incidence?), and I am easily patched up temporarily, though now I do notice the pain when I try to hobble around the house. Good thing there's only two more loads of laundry sitting by the washer in the basement waiting for me to finish it! Hopefully the left one'll stick back on tonight so I can actually go swimming tomorrow like I promised
jethereal I would.
Strangely, I'm actually in a good mood despite all this.