Nov 22, 2007 10:14
I had a new second cockatiel, a male wild-type, and after I set him up with quarantine I went back to Gabe only to discover that her legs were so puffy and swollen she couldn't step up or perch appropriately. Since it was the day before Thanksgiving, my Mom didn't want me to waste family time going to the vet, but I insisted on at least calling. The vet told me it sounded like something he'd recently learned about, and there wasn't any treatment available, but if she survived the next couple days there was something we could try. Of course I cried and ranted at the vet a lot. When I woke I realized that what we'd described was most like an actual condition called scaly leg caused by mites. Ick. And of course I researched it a bit. Ick. But it is treatable.