This is a horrible story of attempting to find Emergency Contraception after a condom broke. In my state thankfully Plan B has been legal and over the counter for a while, so a doctor's approval is not needed, however at places like Wal-Mart and Target, the pharmacists who dispense it can still have "morality clauses." This is I continue to avoid both Wal-Mart and Target when possible.
On a happier topic, start using
GoodSearch. They're a yahoo-powered search engine that brings in revenue thru ads, and for every time you perform a search one cent goes to the charity or educational institution of your choice. You can change charities as often as you like, and if your favorite isn't listed there's a form to fill out to get them on it. I added my school and I've since virtually donated some 6¢ - I keep changing to animal parrot rescues I read about, and other good causes. I'm now using GoodSearch for my default search engine, you can add them to your toolbar on any search engine but Safari, and only switching to Google when GoodSearch comes up dry. Pass it on!