Incomplete Thoughts

Mar 01, 2007 15:38

As humans are mainly social creatures, we are compelled to seek out the company of other humans. The majority of us have an inner loneliness that must be satisfied in some way. Some common approaches are surrounding oneself with people at all times, sharing all our thoughts with another, finding a single other person to experience life with, and setting up communities of particular interests. Often we get into sexual relationships which satisfy this loneliness but does not satisfy emotional needs such as love and happiness. Which brings to the table the difficulty of having many similar but ultimately different needs, and distinguishing between them. One persons company may satisfy some needs but not others, a common example being the person who separates their romantic life from everything else, or the guy who has to get away from his girlfriend to go hang out with his buddies. Even love itself comes in many types of satisfaction. Of course, there is always the physical love vs the emotional/mental love, but there is more separation than just that. For example, one might enjoy the presence of another, watching them be themselves, or one might prefer the conversations and thoughts another has to offer. These needs should be classified as exactly as our nutrients. We can take vitamins, and get our daily doses of protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and so on, but we also need the equivalents for our psychological needs.

Humor is our way of dealing with things that might otherwise upset us. So is a person with good humor really happy, or constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown?

Are negative emotions a healthy balance to positive emotions, or an unhealthy product of negative inputs?

incomplete thoughts

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