Nov 21, 2004 00:04
so great story.
tonight everyone was over at the civil war park,and it was just zander drew and I at that point because the other guys had to drop some people out. Drander were pressuring me to give them cigarettes and iwas like "shit no, get your own fucking cigarettes, i have 4 left and i need them for tomorrow"
and then drew was like "give me them or else i will start talking LIKE THIS." and as everyone knows i get paranoid in an altered state of mind. so i was like "SHIT" and i ran off into some bushes and drander was chasing me and then i tripped on a stump and fell in a whole bitch load of mud. as drander laughed their asses off as i cried in the mud. and that is where the story ends
ha joking!!
did i fool you?
Drander decided to go buy some jacks, and i was like "dude don't leave me" (miata=smallpenistwoseatercar) Zander was like "you can sit here in the dirt... or brandons car" As i went to open brandons car door and the fucking alarm went crazyofftheshit/hook. Scared the shit out of all of us. Then drander were like "oh shit. lets get out of here" and the fucking got into zanders car and drove off withfuckinout me. So i ran like some serious shit. on that run i almost ran into some people walking their dog, tripped the pavement, and ran into a tree. Then i dove into a bushneedstodie and then i called him
M: dude brandon you're car alarm is going off
B: shit mandudemandude dude turn it the fuck off get into my car and lock it and unlock it
so i ran over there which took forever and i got in and started hitting a bunch of switches and it turned off and i i was like "shiiiiiiiiiit" then brandon was like okay now lock the passengers side door.
i did it. and thats where the story ends.
ha joking!!
did i fool you?
As i locked it the alarm fucking went off again. So B told me to hit the switch again, and i found the right key and started unlocking/locking it and the alarm wasnt turning off.the alarm turned off the first time because it timed out) so i was like shit im out of here and bolted for my good ole dependable bush. As i sat around waiting for brandon to come back i kept thing how much it would suck to be caught by the popopossums. And brandon and i were talking in the car how funny it would be when the cops brought me back to my house.
"Maam, we found your filthy son drunk/high in a bush all alone."
"What was he doing all alone drinking in a bush"
haha oh beegreen
At thats where the story ends
ha joking!!
did i fool you?
because if i did you're a fucking poon for believing in me.
but not really