Ribbits Scene, Fellowship Scene, Main Cast scene, River Elves, Tree elves, Enemies, Rongdor
Odo Bagger: Jordan White
Amigone: John Nielsen
Galariel: Siri Collins
Loogie: Joe Chapman
Shamwise Gamgee: Jeremy White
Legolad: Tylor Stepp
Saruman: VFX
King Cleodread:
Gandalf: Joe Chapman
Fairtomir: Ben Jaquith
Gomorrha: Solveig Mueller
Bordamir: Ben Jaquith
- Odo’s hand finding the thing behind a bush
- Odo’s 12th 18th Birthday Party
- Gandalf shows up, everyone is happy.
- Odo asks where he’s been. Broken traveling spell, clumsily performed.
- Gandalf suspects something by how Odo is acting.
- Odo and Gandalf talk inside;
- Odo ate the thing but it came back.
- Gandalf told him not to eat it.
- Is it secret? Is it safe? Don’t tell Harry Took.
- What now? Get advice. Take the thing to the Dancing Homey pub.
- Odo asks why without Gandalf. Gandalf is answering and disappears.
- Sham: I’m comin’ with you!
- Traveling - Ribbits on the way to the pub
- Odo gets a bad feeling, they hide. THING WRAITH.
- Gammorah is raising an army to match Saruman’s and conquer Central Earth.
- The Pub
- Come across the ranger, he says Gandalf isn’t coming, on to elf land.
- Traveling Montage
- The Fellowship arrives in Chippendell, land of river elves.
- So the ring still exists!
- We all want it!
- We must destroy it! Only Odo can resist it, he tasted it before.
- One simply does not open the door to Dordor.
- You have my ___. And my ___. Oh yeah? Well he also has my ___.
- Fellowship Traveling Montage
- Minefield of Moria
- Fart joke for Ty’s sake?
- Bridge of Hazard Doom
- Creepy elf land
- The enemy knows you are here.
- Everyone falls in love with the elven witch.
- I have a mysterious ability to see the future Odo…
- The two things: Mouth of Saruman, stomach of Gammorah
- Gifts for you all.
- Skirmish after they leave, Ribbits kidnapped by Gnorks
- Gnorks turn on one another (cgi duplication), ribbits escape.
- Fellowship trying to find Ribbits, comes to land of Gohan
- Ribbits get directions to Dordor from Tree Ent
- Discontent in Gohan
- Gandalf shows up, everyone happy.
- They run an anti-virus on the king.
- Gnorks are bringing war. Let’s go to Wilhelm’s Deep.
- Ribbits traveling, come across Loogey the imaginary friend.
- Wilhelm’s Deep battle against Gnorks
- Ribbits captured by Rongdor, they will be taken to Minus Tetris.
June 19th - Tree Elves meeting, Gohan, Battle of Wilhelm’s Deep, Ribbits kidnapped by Gnorks
Jordan Liz Lange Mtrn shirt with hood (2x)
Jordan Brown Stretch Pants (Large)
Mithril shirt (medium)
Gray Vest (average)
Black Shiny Stretch Pants (Large 28-40)
Jeremy Liz Clairborne shirt, no hood (1x)
(Black Cord Pants not pictured)
Faded Glory shirt (2x)
LOTT style belt
Brown Stretch Pants (Larger)
Ty Rabbit Rabbit Layered green shirt with beads (20)
Joe Semi transparent Mithril Shirt (3X)
Green Flower Shirt (2x)
Shiny Elvish Pants (Small)
Caribou magical shiny (3x)
Glamerous half-of-dress cape
Kalmundoesque robe without hood (one size fits most)
Jordan White
Odo Bagger
Shirt: Liz 2x hood shirt
Accessories: Fortune Cookie, wooden boken sword
Jeremy White
Shamwise Gamgee
Shirt Liz 1x no hood shirt
Pants: Corduroy pants (not pictured)
Accesories Garden Trowel?
Tylor Stepp
Shirt: Elvish Green Bead Shirt
Accessories: Elf Ears Bow?
Pants: Shiny Green Maru Pants?
Accessories: Elvish Ears
John Nielsen
Ranger Amigone
Shirt: Silver mythrael shirt & silver vest
Pants: Black shiny pants
Accessories: LOTT Belt, Sword
Joe Chapman
Gandalf the Clumsy
Accessories: wizard staff
Optional Accessories
Legolas Adult Bow and Arrow set: $15+Shipping
Beard for Thimbli