Sep 03, 2008 19:54
Heimdallr is up and running! Much of my plan has changed since I first conceived of it, but I'm fairly certain I can say that it is running the operating system I anticipate it will be for some time.
I eventually settled on Debian, after considering a number of other options. They were:
LFS - Too much work for a year-old Linux without SSH by default. I have better things to do than watch source compile, which I learned from...
Gentoo - The Linux Fit-PC actually comes pre-loaded with Gentoo Linux, and I seriously considered simply using this OS. However, they fubar-ed the install pretty bad (it was pretty clear they'd configured the portage system to use their own servers, which were horribly out of date). After my 15th error plus workaround trying to bring the system to a modern state, I was fed up. I still considered making a clean install over the Ubuntu partition, but their installation instructions were too opaque for me.
FreeBSD - I'm really sad that this wasn't the operating system for me. Not only would I have free tech support from my FreeBSD fanatic buddy Seth, but I'd have one of the most respected firewall / router OSes on the market. Unfortunately, all reports of others' attempts to install FreeBSD involved pulling the HDD and installing it using a separate machine, which I was not super excited about trying.
Slackware - haha, just kidding.
Very Bare-bones right now. Only things I've installed above a bare-minimum Debian install are subversion (to back up my home directory, among other things), irssi and dircproxy (I have dreams of lurking on IRC), less and screen (necessary), and ddclient (to support a subdomain address). There's still more to install (python, for example), and more to be done (learn how to setup a firewall / router), but progress is easy now (thanks aptitude).
A webserver should be coming soon too,at which point I will post the address I'm using until cynthia and I agree on a real hostname. I should probably use apache so subversion works over http, but I was excited about trying lighttpd... oh well, another time.