Application Form.

Dec 18, 2010 16:06

Under the cut, is the application form, if you are interested in joining the Zanarkand Ruins community. Our community is an active and friendly site where people can get together based on shared interests, such as Final Fantasy X ;D Please, if you do get accepted - mind spreadin' the word about our little site? It would be most appreciated.
- Rikku.
Characters - FFX & FFX-2

Yuna Braska - Tidus - Rikku Highwind - Paine

Lulu - Shuyin - Lenne - Meyvn Nooj

Seymour - Leblanc - Kimahri - Jecht

Gippal - Auron - Baralai - Lady Yunalesca

* characters crossed out are - obviously - not available, or taken.
Characters missing? Just message plastic-vinyl & we'll see what we can do. (:


Name: Livejournal user name is also acceptable.
Preferable character: Choose one from the following above.
* AU Character Name: Optional if you prefer an AU character rather than a main.
* AU Character: Please give us a brief description of your character.
Here for: Tell us why you decided to join ZANARK.
Source: How did you find us? :D
Graphic Posting: Give us a sample of your work. - If you're interested in joining The Zanarkand Ruins to post your work, please provide at the most of three previews. This way you'll be provided with posting access.

* starred questions above are optional.

FINALLY, since this is also a roleplaying community, please provide us a sample of your skills.
Please make sure that your sample is no less than one paragraph.
We will be judging, not based on the length of your work, but how strongly you are able to play as your desired character.

Note: You can always drop your character, BUT make sure you comment [ this ] post. You can always sign up for another character, but be aware, it's not recommended to drop many characters one after another.

When accepted, please make sure that you participate in events and also, BE ACTIVE. We will not tolerate inactive journals. After warned three times, will result to immediate deletion. AND, once you've filled out the application, and you've been accepted, that is when we'll accept your membership into this community. This way, everything will not be private, and gives you access to everything. (:

Enjoy, and good luck.
Note: Comments will be screened.

application, !public

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