Jun 11, 2008 22:49
crazy philosophical, that is.
i just don't need to cope with other people's shit. say there is a boy and he is constantly disappointed in his own shortcomings. soll ich überhaupt Schuld sein? no. but somehow it always ends up back on me. one end of the spectrum is dishtowel, and the other is psychobitch, and i tend to waffle around the middle somewhere, but never on the side i need to be on. well, i will work things out, or else i won't, and either way i will live on.
i can't stop listening to modest mouse. ergo, i am constantly in a weird, angry-but-chill mood. i'm not really sure where to take that.
this summer is a summer of, let's say, new ideas for jenni. i am taking spanish courses. i am committing myself to the gym. i am teaching myself bass slowly. i am staying up late at night and not particularly sleeping in. i will most likely have some sort of job (even if it is only volunteering). i have discovered that it is not weird to associate colors with numbers (thank you Dr. Anonymous). i am realizing my own failings. i am suddenly a font of good advice. i have a desk in my room. i think that i may be realizing that calling every day is not a necessity (although it still makes me uneasy).
ah the phone is ringing