
Jun 01, 2010 14:02

I don't think I've mentioned much about the work situation since the new manager took over. In fact, I don't think I've mentioned much of anything on livejournal lately.

I've been at this particular store for about two and half years now, and this is the third GM I've worked with. It seems pretty natural for the majority of the store to turn over when a new manager comes in. It's to be expected though. It's a coffee shop, after all. I would've thought people would be moving on to bigger and better things, but that seems to be more of the exception than the rule. Most people just transfer to other stores. Heh.

I used to be an overnighter when the store was 24 hours. Then I was a closer. And now I'm an opener. Before our current district manager, drive through times didn't seem to be all that important. But now, it's speed, speed, speed, especially during peak hours. The DM said our goal was 60 cars through in half an hour. Unfuckingbelievable. Good shots take around 17 seconds to pull, and milk takes awhile to steam. People like to order 50 thousand drinks. Blahblah, complain, complain, bitch, etc. We've never ever even hit 50 cars. 30 seconds for each car, huh? Yeah right!

We never really had much incentive to move that fast anyway. We get paid as much as the next barista. C'mon, throw a dog a bone once in awhile, right? Honestly, it's tiring and stressful. On top of that, breaks aren't usually given at the regularly scheduled time. I can't keep myself moving at top speed for 4 hours straight, sorry. Eventually I start spilling shit and making drinks wrong anyway. I like to eat too! Even machines need power.

To bear with the circumstances, Jess and I started thinking of our shift in 30 minute intervals, instead of the standard 2 hour long stretches inbetween breaks (it's not like we're going to get them anyway). We made it our game to see just how fast we could go. It was just a different frame of mind, really. It made time fly.

First we did 45 cars through in half an hour. Awesome! Then we hit 49, then 50, then 52... and then today we hit 61. 61 cars through the drive through in 30 minutes. I didn't think that was possible.

And whaddya know! I got a couple bones out of it. Gift cards of sorts, a raise, and guaranteed hours. Jess and I have proven we can fetch those ridiculous numbers the DM wants to see. Who else can bust out lattes that fast?
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