Feb 20, 2007 17:33
There has been some recent discussion of why to watch Heroes.
Beside the part where it is a well written show that teases, but still moved the plot forward week after week, I have another reason.
His name is Lucas Salazar.
My little Bro is going to be in some of the upcoming episodes!
How cool is that?!?!
As some of you may know, he's out in LA making it as a righteous dude.
He's had a few gigs already. He just finished a show working with Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince of Bel Air (at some point i may feel like adding a link there, so everybody knows who that is.)(Never mind, if you dont know who Uncle Phil from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air is, I dont want to be the one to tell you- good luck in life, chump) He;'s been playing a lot of guitar, laying down the hot tracks.
He got flown to Vegas last week and was too busy to hang with me cause he was doing official PA work, not even sure what yet/
He sent me a text message yesterday letting me know that he was at that moment guarding Dee Snyder (from Twisted Sister) and Robert Englund (Freddy) in their tent.
I;m not exactly sure what that means, but he did also mention that he put the tent together.
So, all that is well and good, but in my opinion, the big thrill is that he will be in Heroes very soon.
Look for him on the episode where Linderman finally makes an appearance.
Lucas will be in the line at the airport, right behind Claire
He will also be waiting tables somewhere in Las Vegas.
He's way more Fergylicious than I could ever hope to be.
At least I think so. Thats a good thing right? Cause I;m using it like spaggylicious