So I think I'm finally going to start using this as a journal...

Dec 29, 2008 00:09

Yeah, I know no one's reading, but it's good to get out your thoughts, right? It's no different than having a diary except that someone actually could read it, so I'm not going to post personal information on here. I'm also thinking of making an icon journal too...

Anyway, for some reason the Lord of the Rings fan within me has been clamoring to be let out after sleeping dormant for a few years, which is great because my sister has been recently letting her nerdy side out too after I introduced her to Twilight, which I'm neutral towards, by the way. There are some things I hate about it (namely BELLA OMG), but there are a lot of things I like about it (no, I know what you're thinking, but it's not Edward). In general I feel that Stephenie Meyer is a very amateurish author who can come up with very entertaining and interesting characters and concepts, but her writing style sucks. You can tell she uses the thesaurus like WOAH, and she can't tie her characters and concepts together in a working plot. The book seems to ramble on without a point, yet you can't stop reading it...I swear, there's cocaine in those pages.

You know what else I like? Letting my nerd out on facebook. It's ridiculous, really. I'm probably just naive and everyone already knows, but I don't let most people know that I like anime/manga/fantasy books, etc (I'm getting better about it though). Yet, I added the Pieces of Flair application just to post my love in a public place. I have Naruto, Lord of the Rings, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Dragonball Z, and other such flair all over my board. If I don't want anyone to know, why would I do this? Partially because it is a part of me and I'm not as afraid to let people know now. Mainly it's because I think it's funny for this side about me that most people don't know about is out there in the open for everyone to see, but almost no one is going to see it. Really, who looks at those things? Unless I'm being facebook stalked (I sincerely doubt it, but wouldn't be completely surprised), no one's going to look at it. I've also changed a few of my interests to truly reflect what I'm interested in (things I listed above), and I changed my website to link to here. I doubt anyone other than my sister will ever notice or possibly visit here, so if you're reading, hey sis.

So I think I've officially spilled my guts all over the Internet. I applaud you if you kept up with it. Till next time.

thoughts, nerd, lord of the rings

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