Moderate progress...

May 29, 2010 14:55

Hello everybody. How are you all doing?
After I had a good run this morning (I had a day off) and doing some chores, I finally finished this entry. It´s still difficult for me to rant about me and my situation so please, excuse my english, it´s a bit choppy.
I haven´t posted in a while and I want to apologize that I haven´t commented much the last weeks, I followed and read your posts but either I was too busy or haven´t anything smart to say . I wasn´t probably the good friend I wanted or want to be lately.

Although, I know that there is no pressure I want to say this:

microgirl8225- your audiobooks are almost done - Please, bear with me a little more
mingsmommy - I started writing again (at least a few lines)Please, bear with me a little more too!

One reason for my `disappearance` is that I have to be there for `me` for certain times to come to terms with me again. What do I want? What can I do? What are my chances? Where can I get advice? Who can help me? This is a lot of stuff to handle and it takes a lot out of me.
I had/have initiated some things especially in career terms.

A few weeks ago I visited a workshop “Application training” which was very informative and motivating.

Furthermore, I enrolled to a “Free trial course in NLP”. It´s a course to get to know more about NLP and I haven´t felt so confident about something in months. I want to do it.
There will be an Info evening at the beginning of July and the first course will start after the summer break in September.

I have to work on my career terms first to become financially independent so I finally can find a new flat for Patrick and me. Our neighborhood is developing and therefore the rents are quite high. I had one offer for a flat yet, but Patrick turned it down immediately because it was to far away from his friends and his dad. Well, I understand him and it would have been too expensive in the long view, anyway.

That means I have to bear up with our current living situation, We´re living somehow like roommates, both trying to protect and take good care of Patrick, avoiding arguments and conflict as much as possible.
I try not to be resentful or bitchy which isn´t always easy, so sometimes I badly fail at it, well, I´m only human.

There is a good friend around who is (almost) always there for me. She kicks me in the ass when needed but she also give me a shoulder to cry on. She was the one who introduced me to the personal coach Andreas. He had opened my eyes and gave me a push in the right direction. He told me to rely on my abilities and my inner strength. “Everything you want to accomplish is inside you. You just have to awaken your sources and resources. I don´t say it is easy but you can do it. Think positive and let go of the past, your live is in the future.” For some it may sound a bit cryptic or esoteric but it isn´t. It really helped to boost up my damage self-confidence and finally, finally get my head up and do something.
There are also my wonderful friends on my f-list who always have an encouraging and supporting word for me. All that was and is important to find my way.

In addition there are some awesome website which reminds me on a daily basis what is important in live and what can I do to become a better and happier person.
One is the twitter of the Dalai Lama . Here are some awesome quotes:

"To develop patience, you need someone who willfully hurts you. Such people give us real opportunities to practice tolerance."

"We need to give more attention to our inner values."

"And hope for the next life is out of the question."

Mostly, it´s to learn to let go of the past (one of the hardest part), the future lies before me and Patrick. It´s still a long way to go but I have done the first steps, which is very important for my because I have gone them alone and it was my own decision.

Furthermore, I spend some quality time with Patrick which always brings joy and fun. Amongst other activities we were inline-skating.

And the moon over Munich!

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