I just want to let you all know we are off to Portugal, now. I´m sorry I couldn´t post Part 2 of the Lago di Garda pics before our departure but sickness and RL have been stronger. I promise, I´ll catch up on everything when I am back. Currently, I feel a bit forlorn because I wanted to do so much but accomplished less of it. I hate this enforced idleness but I guess, I should take all these warning signs seriously my body gave me lately. I´m so tired. (More when I´m back.)
Here are two (okay three) of my favorite pics I took during our trip:
Patrick on the wall at the habor of "Salo", be sure my hands have been sweaty :-)
The harbor of "Salo", one of the beautiful cities at the Lago di Garda in the afternoon and in the evening:
Hope, you all doing fine! I´m going to miss my LJ-friends.
Love, Heike