Title: Wishes
Pairing: GSR
Format: Drabble, 100 words
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me. Just playing with the characters.
Prompt: Heat by
multi_fiction Blink and you miss it!
A/N: Special thanks to the awesome
mingsmommy for her speedy beta-work...and more.
The last line is borrowed from a German song, frankly translated.
A/N II: This is a birthday-Drabble for the wonderful
em_ethereality! I wish you all the best, my dear friend!
“I propose a toast.” Gil raised his wineglass, his eyes locking with hers.
“To our pursuit of happiness, wherever it may take us.” He smiled when Sara lifted her glass in reply.
“I’ll drink to that.” She answered, clinking glasses.
Without taking his eyes off her, he took a sip.
When she began to squirm under his admiring gaze, he smirked.
“I’m sorry. You’re so wonderful; I can’t stop looking at you.”
Her face flushed with heat and she dropped her eyes.
“I love you.” Their gazes met again.
“And that’s how it should be, that’s how it should remain.”