Got this from the wonderful
• Comment with "Come at me, bro, sis, friend, pal, gal..."
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
Here are my answers to
mingsmommy´s very intresting but tricky questions:
1. What is your dream job?
I love to work for and with people. That’s why my current job is bothering me so much. I don’t have any ´real´ colleagues, just some who come and go irregularly. There’re days I hardly speak to an adult except for maybe to the saleslady in the bakery or grocery shop.
I would love to be a coach for learning strategies, especially for kids. I would like to teach them the possibilities, show them the abilities they have to accomplish even unliked or difficult subjects. I know I still have to learn a lot but I hope, I can do it sometimes, at least as a part time job.
2. What's your favorite thing about being a mom?
Wow, that’s a hard question. Probably, to recognize that my son is a person of his own, that I can only help him to develop, grow in it to become a tolerant, considerate person with a strong, forceful character, still remaining his own personality.
His unconditional love and trust is sometimes overwhelming. To see him smile, laugh, being goofy or likes to cuddle are wonderful moments. I learned a lot from him. Still do. It´s great to be a mom even in sad or bad moments.
3. Grissom or Rossi?
Rossi! He is my type of guy. His feature and attitude is something I´ve always liked in men. He can be a jackass as well as a sophisticated gentleman. He is an alpha-male and shows it off :-) but he can be empathetic and appreciative too. He knows much about life and although he´s is working with the "evil", he knows how to enjoy the good, fine things of life.
I like and admire Grissoms intelligence and knowledge but he is such a withdrawn, tight personality, which drives me crazy sometimes. He is also a hell of a good looking man (and probably great in the sack :-)). He and Sara are just a wonderful pairing and they will have a place in my (writers-) heart forever.
4. What's your favorite season and why?
Autumn! I love the beautiful colors nature gives us before it "falls asleep". The richness of natural products and alteration of the nature sometime seems to me like a last great firework before the calmness and withdrawal of the winter set in. I like it a lot!
5. You've been doing a lot of work on yourself lately and all of your friends are very proud of you (we would have been proud of you no matter what)...what is the most valuable thing you've learned?
Oh my, there is so much. I have been in a kind of numbness, depression, and sadness before. I was permanently waiting for a rescuer to come by telling me what to do and what not to do.
Now I know that I can and have to change things by myself. I bit by bit become aware, that I (only me) AM responsible for the completion of my life AND that I have the resources and potential in ME to make it real.
The boost of my self-esteem I get from my advanced training is amazing and still makes me wonder.
I realized that I’m worth to be respected, worth to be accepted and first of all, worth to be loved for what I am, for what makes me a person, including rough edges.
There is still a lot to learn, still a lot to implement and sometimes I’m so scared about all this but I know that I’m on a good way and that, in the end, everything will turn out to be good, for good. My life is in a state of flux!