Lessons Learned, Messages Received-Part Three

Jan 18, 2010 22:33

As we come to the end(?) of our little journey, a couple more, again, perhaps more for my own sake and memory than others........

Are You Working?
Dr. Tara Jenkins
"Are you working?" is a question that is often asked when someone wants to know whether or not a person currently has a paying job or not. However, today I want you to ponder this question as a reflection of whether or not you are functioning and flowing in the purpose and plan for which you were created.

Think about this...If you flip up the light switch and the light bulb burns out, it is then no longer working. If you get in your car and it will not start, that car is not working. If a vending machine takes your quarters, dimes and dollars; but does not give you back your soda or snack, the machine is not working!

When anything we encounter is not doing exactly what we bought it to do or what we expect it to do, we get frustrated because it is not working. Well, are you frustrating God by not doing exactly what He intended you to do when He created you? Are you working according to what He had in mind for your life?

John 9:4 says, "I must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work." Take time today to ask yourself, "Whose work have I been working?"

If you've been working your own works and creating your own to-do list, ask God to shake everything off of your list that does not line up with His list. No matter how old you are, or how many years you've had the same new year's resolution, it's never too late to start following God's agenda for your life. Work the works of Him!

While 'working' can be defined as being actively engaged in paid work; 'working' is moreover defined as performing an intended purpose. You've been given a unique combination of gifts, talents and abilities along with a one-of-a-kind personality. This combination was not by accident, but everything that you have within you, as well as everything that you have experienced, was for God's purposes! Romans 8:28 states, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Perhaps you have been unclear about your purpose. Trace your passions and pet peeves and they will lead you to your purpose. Purpose is often attached to your ability to provide a solution to problems and issues that prick your heart. The abused become advocates. Former victims help others gain victory. Those once chained become champions for a cause.

Take time to do an honest evaluation of whether or not you are or have been working. If you realize that you are not functioning in the role God intended for you, this is the season to start aligning your life with God's perfect will!
You are a rarity. Now pray for God to give you clarity about how He wants to use your rarity.

Allow God to use you during this season of your life, then when you are asked, "Are you working?" the answer will be obvious. Now is the moment. This is the year! 2010 is the perfect time to start working.


The Art of Re-gifting
Robin May

A few weeks ago during the Christmas holiday, I posted the following question on my Facebook page: "Do you believe that re-gifting is tacky or resourceful".
As I am sure you can imagine I received a plethora of responses that varied from "Yes! It most certainly is resourceful" to the exact opposite, "I think it's absolutely tacky". While I posted that question just to spark casual conversation about the common practice of re-gifting, I have since been unable to shake the question out of my mind.

Most often in my walk with the Lord, when something stays on my mind, it's often a whisper from God to my heart. However, it was hard for me to take myself seriously this time. What in the world could God have to say about 're-gifting?'

When we think of re-gifting what do we mean? In the simplest definition it means receiving a gift and then instead of keeping the gift, passing it on to someone else. Are you catching it yet? You receive a gift and you pass it on to someone else. That summarizes exactly what God has called us to do!

He has placed in each of us a special gift. All of us, I don't care what you've been told or what you've experienced, all of us were created with a specific purpose; a unique gift. (If you don't believe me I encourage you to read Jeremiah 1:5, 2 Corinthians 4:7, or Isaiah 42:6).

But the gift that he has given us is not intended for us to hold on to them, but rather "re-gift" our gift from God! In Mark 4:21 Jesus asks "Is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed? Is it not to be set on a lamp stand? " In other words, a light is meant to shine for others to see.

He gave gifts to us for us to pass them onto someone else. But there is one distinction. Most times we re-gift items to others that are our left-overs or items we don't want. That's not God's desire. He wants us to re-gift our very best. Because as we all know "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above..." (James 1:17).

As you ponder this issue of re-gifting allow me to ask you a few questions:

Do you have the gift of song?
If so, don't simply use your gift for the confines of your shower; allow your gift of song to calm someone's anxious heart.

Do you have the gift of writing?
If so, don't simply use the gift for your personal journal; allow that gift to encourage someone during a challenging time.

There is a popular TV show called "Hoarders" and it highlights persons struggling with an obsessive compulsion to stockpile things in their home to the extent that it causes personal crisis in their life. At risk of being an extremist, I believe that those of us who have been given a gift from the Lord but refuse to share the gift with others could be accused of being a lot like these persons on this show...hoarders.

As we embark upon this New Year I am sure you have at least thought about what you want to improve upon in this new decade. Why not add the habit of re-gifting to your list? Believe it or not, it's not tacky at all!

Tomorrow, I'll do my best to try to piece all of this together, as it applies to my life. I'll touch on the prophecy spoken over me last week, and see where The Lord goes from there. It is my hope and my prayer, that all of this may somehow speak and minister to perhaps one of you, on a similar path.


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