Aug 21, 2009 20:56
for those that care; here is a sample of the way my brain thinks, taken from editing a draft of an essay of nightmare proportions that im sure everyone is sick of hearing about ((and i KNOW am sick of talking about)). its pretty much a direct thought stream, musings on advertising meshing with contemporary art.
"The point is, as our culture moves away from the post modern culture of abstraction and determining fields of view upon perception of the individual versus the anonymous to one of fantasy, to further their own ambitions advertising companies are reflecting same trends. The bizarre has come back into fashion, the man wielded facedown by his wife eating away at the grass brings all sorts of gender biased, sexual, emasculating connotations, the last of which is a Kit-Kat bar. Likewise in exhibitions such as that on at SSAMSTAG right now, there is an obvious escapist trend in the photographs and prints (even sculpture with nick follands amazing crystalline cloudscapes hovering above the gallery floor and patricia puccinini creating these amazing and disturbing beings, theres even a giant table with a HUGE fuckoff spider under it)"
thats all there is. the whole paragraph, lol. it just stops. :P
scathing hard-edged academic cynacism, random analysis of examples... then start thinking about artworks themselves and get distracted by imagery of clouds peiced together from ALL the crystal bowls and cups and platters EVER MADE hung from the ceiling of the gallery in formation.
theni come back across it days later, so WTF? and have to try and work out the point i was originally making and re-iterate. lol.
my thought generations drive me crazy.
ramble ramble ramble nothing