Apr 24, 2007 12:48
If you're not on my friends list or I don't know you personally then there's a very good chance that I hate you. One of the things I despise about the internet and places like Livejournal (I mean besides the fact that it offers people who dress like animals and fuck each other and people who love molesting children a place to congregate and reassure each other that what they do is perfectly all right and it's society that has a problem and not them) is its anonymity affords gutless greasetraps the world over an opportunity to harass people at will and say things they would never dream about saying to someone's face (that is if their self-diagnosed aspbergers didn't prevent them from seeing the light of day occasionally).
Another thing that bothers me is places like Livejournal seem to make people think that they have the right to be heard. Well I'm going to tell you that you do not. Sure you have the right to free speech and to voice your opinion but you have to understand that I have a right not to listen if I don't want to. Freedom of speech does not equal right to be heard, if I think you are an obnoxious asshole then I will ban your stupid ass from reading my journal ever again while you angrily mash words like "FASCIST!" and "OPPRESSION!" as fast as your chubby fingers can manage. This isn't aimed at anyone on my friends list, it's more the type of people who seem to pop up out of nowhere and go apeshit. YOU SAID SOMETHING I DISAGREE WITH? WELL I'M GONNA BE A RUDE TWAT AND TELL YOU TO FUCK OFF AND HAVE MY FRIENDS DO THE SAME AND NEVER EVER LEAVE NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU ASK ME TO! Think of someone's livejournal as their home, you don't have a right to enter someone's home and act like a douchebag and your rights to free speech do not exist in someone's home.
Yes this is a response to a couple of dildos (or as the French say, "les dildeaux) who basically kept repeatedly trolling a friends journal after being asked several times to go away. I'm actually liberal but I have conservative friends and apparently being conservative on the internet is some sort of unforgivable sin or whatever. To you-know-who, I hope some day you can get over the ego-crushing fact that someone out there may have an opinion other than yours on a subject. I'm going to suggest that you try moving on with your life in the meantime.