(no subject)

Mar 27, 2007 09:56

While reading yesterday's Times Herald Record I came upon this letter to the editor:

Not a cartoon subject
The Record recently included the Church of Scientology in an entertainment item ("South Park sticks it to Scientology again ..."), where as a long-term Hudson Valley Scientologist, I can tell you, it does not belong.

Scientology is the world's fastest-growing religion today, because it provides extremely workable answers to living a better life, one of greater happiness and ability to help both oneself and others. It has helped me create the relationships I wanted in my life, to raise smart, ethical and independent children, and to achieve prosperity and happiness.

Of course, anyone who gets their philosophy from cartoon shows and gossip columns is liable to get what they deserve. But those who examine ideas for themselves have made Scientology an international phenomenon. Anyone who wants to know what Scientology is really about can simply pick up a book like "Dianetics" by L. Ron Hubbard at any bookstore, and discover tools for a better life.

Maelien Spina


To me all scientologists all sound like robots spitting out the same old rhetoric over and over again, filled with false claims and insistences of not actually answering any questions but instead directing one to purchase Dianetics at the nearest book store. The purpose of this (and the purpose of Scientology) is to make more money for the church, why give away the answers when you can sell it? Seriously every single one of these people will tell you to buy the book if you ask them any questions about their religion. Also this "fastest growing religion" is numbered in the thousands but that's all, I don't know where that claim came from.

I've never seen such a group of people who simply can not tolerate any sort of criticism or lampooning of their views, to the point where they will often take legal action against anyone who dares speak out against them in any way. They have absolutely no problems doing whatever they can to ruin the lives of their critics by whatever means necessary. If you'd like to learn more, give Operation Clambake a shot.
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