Don't aim for the gold! Ack, I told you not to aim for the gold!

Oct 18, 2008 00:35

Bah, long time nothing written. Rectifying that now.

So I decided to join clubs this year. What a shocker. Jessi convinced me to join archery, and I kinda just gave in and joined Habitat. I’m pretty happy with how things are going so far. I worked the football concessions for our game against Arizona, and although it was freakin’ busy, I had a lot of fun. I still have to do two work days before I can be an actual member, but I’m kinda looking forward to it.

Archery is pretty effing amazing. I enjoy it greatly, and wish I joined last year (ironically, I thought it was too far to go to back then). Even though it’s a predominantly male sport (I think 90% of my friends there are male), I think I want to stick with it until I graduate. And I’ve met a couple of senpais and other people taking Japanese! I’d like to compete next semester, so I’m trying to save money to buy a bow, arrows, and other equipment. Archery is such an expensive sport! Hopefully I can make team within the year. It’s sad that archery is only a sports club here, and not an actual university funded team (even though we’re ranked 6th nationally).

I feel somewhat promiscuous when I write this, but lately I’ve only been bringing guys home. XD. Can’t help it that most of my friends that come over are usually guys from archery. I’ve been playing smash and such a lot recently because of them. Maybe I’ll get better at it! :D Wishful thinking? Most likely.

At work, I’m pretty much just doing cloning and other mutations that Emily or Kathy tell me to do. Classes are still crazy as always, but Japanese is really fun, even if I have to go to class every day. I just wish I could speak as fast as some of the people in my class. Of course, if I practiced maybe I wouldn’t have this problem. -_-

Super tired now. For some reason, this entry took a really long time to write. I spent an unusually long time last night writing up my ochem prelab and an essay for Japanese. Now I’m pooped. :(
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