Did you know that as a single person you pay more for health and car insurance than marrieds? When married people can add someone to a policy at a discount, and single people cannot --- a widespread practice in the insurance and service industry --- it is discrimination. Guess who foots the bill?
Did you know that you aren't eligible for the same tax breaks as marrieds? Heck, marrieds get a tax break just for being married.
Did you know it is lawful to discriminate against single people seeking an apartment or buying a home? The Fair Housing act does not prohibit discrimination based on marital status. Single women are the No 1 home buyers in the US, and yet still perceived as the highest risk by lenders.
If you're married and you die, your social security benefits go to your spouse --- even if you are no longer married --- but if you're single those earned benefits go back into the system. You do not have the option of naming a survivor. Likewise, you do not have a spouse's benefits to rely upon as you age.
Married people can transfer money and property to spouses and children tax free, but you are not eligible for this benefit if you are transferring to a non-spouse or non-child.
Single people are often paid less than married people because their perceived need is considered less. And this is legal. Workplaces often provide spousal benefits, but no equivalent to single people. And they are not required to by law.
And don't get me started on the issues of having non-family members provide care within the context of medical situations.
The legislation was based on giving people dignity to live their lives together regardless of sexual orientation, but by requiring marriage as the basis by which that dignity is conferred, it devalues and discriminates against those who continue to live outside of marriage. In other words, this ruling gives any two persons the LIBERTY to marry, but only grants EQUALITY to those who do.
Did you know that you aren't eligible for the same tax breaks as marrieds? Heck, marrieds get a tax break just for being married.
Did you know it is lawful to discriminate against single people seeking an apartment or buying a home? The Fair Housing act does not prohibit discrimination based on marital status. Single women are the No 1 home buyers in the US, and yet still perceived as the highest risk by lenders.
If you're married and you die, your social security benefits go to your spouse --- even if you are no longer married --- but if you're single those earned benefits go back into the system. You do not have the option of naming a survivor. Likewise, you do not have a spouse's benefits to rely upon as you age.
Married people can transfer money and property to spouses and children tax free, but you are not eligible for this benefit if you are transferring to a non-spouse or non-child.
Single people are often paid less than married people because their perceived need is considered less. And this is legal. Workplaces often provide spousal benefits, but no equivalent to single people. And they are not required to by law.
And don't get me started on the issues of having non-family members provide care within the context of medical situations.
The legislation was based on giving people dignity to live their lives together regardless of sexual orientation, but by requiring marriage as the basis by which that dignity is conferred, it devalues and discriminates against those who continue to live outside of marriage. In other words, this ruling gives any two persons the LIBERTY to marry, but only grants EQUALITY to those who do.
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