(no subject)

Jan 01, 2012 01:50

[Player name] Zalein
[Age] 21
[Personal Journal] Zalein
[Other characters currently played] None!

[Character name] Danny Fenton
[Age] 15
[Canon] Danny Phantom
[Point in time taken from canon] From after The Fright before Christmas



Although he starts out in the series as a clumsy, outwardly ordinary teenager, Danny Fenton's actions immediately make him more than this. Everyone must sooner or later make choices that define who they are and what they are willing to stand up and fight for. Danny's moment of truth was a little more unusual: presented with abilities that gave him budding super powers, he wastes no time in scraping them together to protect his friends in an emergency. A malevolent ghost had appeared at his school, and with no help on the way but his own. He saves the day, fortunately. The very next day, the same thing happens and he helps again. Then the next day, again... Soon it's become a 'thing': with his friends in tow, Danny becomes a vigilante ghost hunter.
Adjusting to life as a super hero is not easy for Danny. For one thing, he's still a teenager at Casper High, and still has to cope with the throes of young adulthood. He worries about being part of the 'in' crowd. He has an unrequited crush. Even though he's moonlighting as a super hero to keep his town safe, he still has grades and bullies to deal with. Then there's the issues with his super hero work: ghosts seem to come and go through the town as they please, so keeping the town ghost-free is an around the clock job. He's constantly on call for the slightest hint of ghostly activity. The fact that his very DNA is no longer entirely human haunts him with the possibility that his secret might be found out. This threat is something he takes quite seriously: with ghost-hunting parents who hate ghosts in every shape and form, and a town that quickly grows to hate the ghosts destroying homes and property at every visit, there would be very serious consequences for him if his connection to them was revealed.
In spite of their obvious hate for everything ghostly, Danny loves his parents very much. He's aware of the violence that they regularly promise towards his ghostly counterpart, but he also knows that they cherish their children more than anything. Trusting his safety to the strength of their love (and their reliable near-sightedness on these issues), Danny continues to live with them, acting as normal as anyone in a family like his can. He does his chores (as often as he remembers), he goes to great lengths to make his curfew even in spite of ghost hunting, and he teases his sister around her frequent attempts at psychoanalyzing him. His sister, who eventually finds out his secret, has only recently let it slip that she knows of his unusual activities. The two siblings have still not completely decided how to deal with each other's realization, and have mostly been falling back to old routines when it comes to each other's role in the never-ending battle for a ghost free town.
Danny's main family only consists of these precious four, but there is someone who would love to see this change. Vlad masters, an old friend of his parents, has held thinly veiling feelings for Danny's mom for twenty years, and hated Danny's dad for just as long. As soon as Vlad discovers the secret of Danny's alter ego, he immediately has a new goal: obtaining Danny as a son. Danny hates Vlad for his frequent manipulations, and fears him as an enemy he still hasn't managed to really defeat. Neither emotion keeps Danny from leaping to the task of trying to stop him, but it's not a surprise when things don't go well until something lucky happens.


Danny is not human. Half his DNA has been rewritten with ectoplasm, and it has made him able to transform at will into a form that is essentially ghostly. Because this change happened at such a fundamental level, his ghost-abilities are easier in, but not restricted to ghost form. He is initially able to phase intangibly through solid objects, go invisible, and fly. As the series goes on, he fights more and more ghost and develops powers that are apparently completely combat oriented, such as shooting laser-like beams of ectoplasm from his hands, and putting up 'ghost shields' made of ectoplasm. At one point he seizes an object and uses it as a conduit to electrocute someone, but he does not do this more than once. Most recently he has obtained a powerful attack in the time-travelling fiasco with his future self, something called a 'ghostly wail'. It is a sound attack, and is strong enough to stop almost anything in its tracks, if not defeat it. The drawback of such an attack is that it presents an enormous strain on his strength, and he quickly exhausts himself while using it.

Combat abilities aside, he has two more abilities: one is among his most valuable, and most used, being his 'ghost sense'. This involves his breath freezing in mid-air whenever a ghost is near. The other is overshadowing, where he possesses (or 'overshadows') a person and controls their actions. Due to past issues he's had with this ability, he generally avoids it.

[Other important stuff]

Danny has been in Somarium before. However, his memory from his past time is unclear and jumbled, much like a half-remembered dream.

[Sample Post]

[First Person]

-You see a bloody knife on the floor. What do you do or think?

Ugh--what is this? ... If this is another experiment that's going to try and eat me as soon as I get close--wait a second, that's blood... Why is there a bloody knife in my house? Um--Hello? Mom? Oh man, DAD! Dad, where are you!?

There's a note? 'Kids, your father and I are out buying bandaids after our latest experiment, the safe-to-eat casserole is in the green dish by the ham, love, Mom.'

Somehow, I am so not surprised.

Hey, did she say dinner?

-You're asked to take someone out for a date. Do you agree? If so, describe what you would do. If not, tell why.

Now this totally depends. Because if it's Paulina? I definitely agree. But if it's someone like--well, anyone else? I guess I'd have to see who you're talking about, first.

What, Sam? Take her out? N-No way! I mean--not that I don't like her or anything, but I don't, you know, like like her. She's my friend! And we're not dating. Like, ever. It'd be way too weird, and we're friends.

-Your country is in the middle of a war. What do you think of it? Do you support it or try to solve it yourself by going on an epic quest? Explain.

I think any war is pointless. There's always got to be another way. I mean--even with ghosts, there's... Okay, scratch that. Most ghosts probably are kind of unreasonable, but the rest just want to be left alone. That's no reason to wage war on the ghost zone, though! I mean--I've got it covered, so you guys have nothing to worry about. No, uh, reason at all to start setting up stations with huge, painful looking guns aimed at the ghost portal where ghosts might, you know, be put back inside, and stuff. So yeah. It's good.

-Would you consider yourself a lover, a hater, a sinner, or a saint? Or maybe a mix?

I dunno. I mean, this is kind of a weird question, right? This sounds like something Jazz would ask me to think about. Or that Sam would probably go 'Stereotypes are wrong!' over, or something. I guess I just consider myself normal. That's an option, right?

[Third Person]

Danny fills his lungs as far as he can, before gusting out a steady stream of cold winter air. The air is freezing, and his breath makes a wispy cloud that lingers obnoxiously around his face before dispersing. He watches it, face crinkling in a tiny frown.

It seems almost wrong, to not feel even the slightest hint of that bone-deep chill when the weather has been trying so hard to say otherwise. Has it really been that long since his ghost sense wasn't on the verge of activating? He's cold, yes, but not as cold as he could be. The plain winter chill doesn't curl in his gut, threatening to surge without warning. Winter cold is just that: weather.

"'s not so bad..." he mumbles, crunching snow underfoot. As far as misadventures went, being stuck in a dream world where people weren't trying to kill him just for existing wasn't so bad at all. Now if only it didn't mean he had to leave behind his friends, his family, his home...

Danny shakes his head hard, trying to avoid the persistent gloom that follows most thoughts of the home he can't reach. He has stuff to do here! Like--just look at all this snow! And he can use his ghost form as much as he wants, and nobody chases him down or cares! That all counts for something, doesn't it?

Danny throws a glance around before changing forms with a flash. When the world drifts away from his boots and every snow drift is a different lane of traffic, his mouth tugs reluctantly into a grin. Amity Park had snow, yeah, but not snowstorms like this place gets.

"Cool," he says quietly, lips twitching. Then he's gone, up up and away.

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] Because of all the awesome people here.

[Which rule was your favorite and why?] No self threading!

[Where did you hear about Somarium?] From Sage. Years ago.

[Any questions?] Nope. I'm aware of the DW VS LJ debates going on right now, but I plan to follow the community wherever it is.

ignore this, application

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