Today during a dream I got enlightened. Actually I suddenly linked all pieces of info I already had into new level of understanding. I was so exited that I had to wake up immediately and write it down.
DNA has a special role in biology but recently we were also receiving hints about its function through spiritual means. I remember how skeptic I was when at the beginning of 90's a highly sensitive woman (can't remember her name exactly) with remarkable abilities, wrote that according to her astral courses DNA works like spiritual antenna (this idea was showing up consistently more and more often in other sources), moreover it can take many forms, among others a form of triplet helix.
Being newbie biologist at that time and knowing what I knew about structure and function of DNA, I thought that this theory is bunch of crap. To my surprise years later, with progress of my study, I red about very recently discoveries of triplet DNA forms, resonance of biological particles and more about DNA and how it expresses in organisms. In last few years understanding of DNA, genes expression on individual level, evolution has gained new dimension of understanding thanks to Evo-Devo and modern genetics. We slowly gain understanding of enormous complexity of DNA, how it receives informations from environment (in other words how phenotype is modified by environmental factors) and how it 'stores' and expresses on individual level and how it evolves. The amount of information contained in DNA and its level of compression extends our ability of overall comprehensibility.
Past simplistic views on genes and DNA expression are fading away and new understanding arises, slowly and modestly so it would take years for science to link all consequences. However in occult we have direct and continuous experiences and thousands year old theories which in face of new scientific discoveries start to gain new understanding. More and more certain spiritual ideas meet scientific knowledge.
Today natural sciences stand before serious issues: an old paradigm of Newtonian, deterministic physical reality crashes with theories from quantum physics. Science utilizes first paradigm hence all what goes beyond it, becomes uncertain, scientifically unprovable. On other hand many esoteric spiritual theories start to use scientific language: energy, vibration, synchronization, relation, causation, laws etc.
On one side we are used to perceive matter as something tangible. Even when we are aware of dualistic nature of primal particles we still make mental between macro physical and micro quantum level. No wonder, since ages we struggle with different levels of organizations and how to link them in comprehensible manner. Despite dozens years of efforts of brightest minds (physicists, biologists, chemists, philosophers), different levels of organizations present to us often as distinctive but also overlapping levels that cannot be satisfactory linked to each other.
Molecular level of DNA to easy observable phenotypes, molecular mechanisms with environmental response and evolution, neurology science and psychology, and many others - those are only few chosen examples of trouble rides between organization levels. We seem to have information 'in between' but still full link eludes us. No wonder why we choose to see distinctively so big organizational jumps like spiritual influences, quantum reality and every day experience. Also scientists and philosophers stumble upon it and do poor work producing chaotic disputes leaving us without irrefutable conclusions.
Shortly speaking all what we have are only theories and various perspectives. Worth noticing is that in nowadays occult, esoteric, new age movements we meet very often on ideas, theories, experiences which applied to above issues, often fulfill condition of a good, steady general theories, which is ability to comprehensibly linking and satisfactory explaining of large classes of facts. This is commonly acceptable condition in science yet applying it fully as a bridge between natural sciences and metaphysics is still beyond ability of scientifically conservative thinkers.
What has it all to do with my today’s enlightenment? A lot. As biologist I know details of DNA build and function. I am aware of all quirks and complexity on biological level. As occultist I know spiritual theories, I am aware of various personal experiences that explain reality in which we live from wider metaphysical perspective. During my dream all what I know felt perfectly together into place. Full range of realizations however exceed this article so I want to focus on more direct and 'not so new' thoughts about DNA and its place in biology and occult.
DNA and its multiple functions, storage of information, dynamical exchange of information - it's all part of modern scientific knowledge, however that is still fairly new and developing field. It is also known that biological (and probably others as well) molecules have certain quantified portions of energies. Those levels manifest with micro vibrations. Energy jumps and vibration change accordingly. Relations of vibrations on microscopic level are to my knowledge not a part of contemporary studies. However vibrations and their influences are long known part of physics. Vibrational aspect and quantum abilities of subatomic particles have most probably very strong connection (vibration as expression of energy). Yet applying this knowledge to molecular level outgrows our research and comprehensibility (due amount of information that cannot be processed by us nor by any computers - this is common obstacle in biological systems) possibilities.
Basically all what we have are theories across levels of organizations. Today I present such theory. I admit, it's not so original in occult area but I haven't seen it in written form so far and wanted to present my view.
Esoteric sources claim DNA to have a function of an antenna for subtle energies. Looking for DNA from molecular and evolutionary perspective and how multiple functionality it has, we can at least look closer on that problem.
We know that subatomic particles are dualistic in nature and can be perceived not only as small matter objects but also as pure portions of energies with wave abilities. So all physical molecular structures could be seen as extraordinary arrangement of such dualistic particles. Waves and energy do affect them thus the whole molecule could be in one or another way affected by various kinds of energies. Now we make metaphysical assumption that those small waves and energy portions are strongly linked to subtle energies (or already are those subtle energies) that are perceived and created by mind/consciousness. Some quantum physics experiments support that claim/theory (exchange of information between linked subatomic particles on subdimensional level, which is quicker then light; thoughts and observer influence on subatomic particles state, etc.).
If we look on DNA as master molecule - a blueprint (that is scientific theory) that together with other environmental factors governs our body and life of organism in perspective of time (evolution) - and include subtle wave properties and thoughts influence on quantum levels, we can fairly extend DNA properties on subtle energies transformer (or like in occult it is seen, as an 'antenna'). DNA is already seen as physical receiver of INFORMATION (which is non physical in its nature) from physical sources. Including quantum levels, waves and vibrational aspects into that, hypothesis of more complex ability to receive information seems to be only reasonable.
DNA could be really seen as antenna, receiver and first transformer given it's abilities to shape our body (together with 'reading device' of biological system). Moreover it's not fixed causation but dynamic exchange (as everything in biology) in real time. Thoughts and spiritual energies as perceived/created by mind govern it all on subtle levels which is accordingly transformed into physical level. Actually that transformation from non physical information to physical form is a head-braking issue for philosophers of biology. They usually leave quantum levels out and all metaphysical theories and try to find moment of transformation on DNA molecular expression level. But it happens multidimensionally, on pre- (my assumption would be - the most of it or in the most directed way) and during expression stage (modification).
My another but this time general theory would be that the whole universe is arrangement of self organizing information (consciousness if we extend it on metaphysical level - which is old hermetic theory) and DNA is physical manifestation of densely focused information carriers, a master molecule indeed.
We can see how beautifully and logically universe is set, as well on physical and spiritual level. How are they just different expressions of the same - a consciousness that is the core, the basis, the first and continuous, ultimate mover of the whole reality.