Aug 20, 2006 19:28
I am really wondering what it sounds
like when you listen to music as...
well... just music...
I just realized that when I listen to
music (yep, any, even if the song
really sucks!), I start dissecting and
all the sounds are separate. That's
probably when I have my i-Pod on at
work, I become unaware of eveything
(including all my breaks). Then, when
I was watching t.v. yesterday, I was
also doing th esane to the
commercials!!! I think I'm becoming
a psycho or something...
So I started thinking. Whenever Kuku
plays bass (well, the first time), she
would always say, "but I can't hear
the bass!" Her speakers aren't so
good but somehow you can still hear
everything. Then if I ask Mumu, it's
even harder because she's tone-deaf--
and she knows she is...
I just really wonder how it feels to
listen to music without concentrating
on every single sound that comes up.
Though, I don't want to listen that
way or I'll be... nevermind...
I don't think anyone will understand
what I'm trying to say here. I do
listen to songs as a whole but al the
sounds are also separate.
Which renminds me, I REALLY LOOOVE
AME NO ORCHESTRA these days!!! It's
so nice, it's exhausting to listen
And I've never felt so much "feeling:
like I feel when I hear the lead guitar
of Monster and Ame no Orchestra.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I should write
those chords now before Squish kills